... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
(... don't shoot the messenger)
Published on June 19, 2004 By mignuna In Personal Relationships
i know what boys like. i do. because they tell me. i am forever hearing about this mythical "perfect woman" ... this elusive "miss right" ... (ahem. make that ms.) ... that my male friends claim to be unable to find.

so i quizzed them until i came up with a list. and to my amazement, not only did they agree on almost everything, this "perfect woman" seems to involve a lot more of words like "understanding" and "secure", and a lot less of "perfect ass" than i expected.

although some of this may still sound kind of horrid and sexist, it is all honest, and not nearly as awful as it might have been, so i have left it as is. yucky bits included.

so, on behalf of (at least) 4 eligible, intelligent, much-loved and dearly respected male friends of mine, i give you ...

"the perfect woman"

1. she's healthy: healthy weight, healthy body, healthy mind. no bullshit like starving yourself or obsessive unfounded jealousy.

2. she's secure: no man likes an egomaniac, but neither can they value a woman who doesn't value herself.

3. she's herself: it's great to have things in common, but taking on all sorts of new stuff just to impress a man is guaranteed to do the exact opposite.

4. she's independent: she's happy to maintain her own friends and add a man to her life, not make him the purpose of it.

5. she's honest: if you expect to get the truth, you should give it.

6. she's realistic: no princesses or daddy's little girls' need apply. no man is interested in living up to a preconceived ideal.

7. she's smart: (exactly how smart is relative to the guy himself), but the days of the trophy bimbo are so over.

8. she's a woman: she wears her female aura with pride and is not ashamed to be a woman.

9. she's sensual: attitude wins over experience hands down in the bedroom and everywhere else.

10. she's a little wild: just in private, just for him.

so, there you have it. and remember ... please don't kill me ... i was only following orders ... so, are they right ? ... feedback would be adored

Comments (Page 2)
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on Jun 19, 2004
Reply By: kingbee: if thats truly the case--and id have to see a demonstration--im sure you do it with panache

heh. i wish that were true, king. i'm not excessively tall (5ft 8in), but i grew tall very quickly as a young woman, and somehow i just never seem to have adjusted my centre of gravity. i also hated being taller than all the boys (i'm talking age 14 here), so of course that didn't help.

Reply By: Helix the II: agree with your list, mignuna..As a male, those are qualities I look for...(and have found ) .Grace is nice in a woman..but being a little clumsy/a total klutz can be appealling and "cute"..it reminds us we're all human..even if she's the perfect woman

thanks helix ... my hubby says that too, but i think his conviction wavers when i trip over my own feet in public hehe

Reply By: Sally jacobs: Ha! No wonder men over look me! Well.....I personally think I have most of the to a degree, do I sound big headed, maybe, but looking at the lust, I'd say I wasn't seriously lacking, though I'm not top of the class either, I guess everyones idea of perfection is different, they may want all them things, but to what levels, I'm sure the have different levels of importance to different people. Just out of curiousity, do you know why your male friends can't find this perfect lass?

sally, you do seem indeed to be a "perfect woman" candidate !!!!. excellent. i'll give your details to the boys . and i don't know why they're still single - i tend to befriend men who are creative in some way (not on purpose, just seems to work out that way), and they do seem genuinely unable to meet a woman who actually likes herself. i can't work it out.

Reply By: kingbee: looking at the lust sally? is your freudian slip showing?

king, you're my hero now hehe

Reply By: ShitsNgiggles: More or less right on target. The people you interviewed for this list have good taste.

thankyou stePHen. i couldn't ask you on account of sam, but i'm glad you agree. (i had a feeling you would)

Reply By: Muggaz: Yeah yeah yeah .... Where the devil is she?

well muggy pet, it seems that perhaps you will need to become proactive in your search now, as this type of woman will rarely throw herself at you panting like so many other members of the fair sex do. hehe

Reply By: Joe98: I would add She's easy...

err, ok joe. but can we at least assume that she's "easy" from within the confines of an established realtionship ? ... please ? hehe

Reply By Floozie: And you know what, then the bastard will turn up when I've made all the necessary changes to become an old spinster. Typical /

suz, don't laugh. i met my husband at 28 and i was living alone, happy at last, and then WHAMMO ! ... this guy turns my tidy life on it's head ! lol. i bet that happens to you, too. thanks for your comments, you are one insightful chicky

mig XX

on Jun 20, 2004
Mig - after my article yesterday about my perfect house and it's scary resemblance to yours, I am getting a little scared. Maybe I am you, just a few years late? I hope so - you seem to be pretty happy and happening. I could do much worse than to follow in your footsteps!
on Jun 20, 2004
I would probably add one thing: The ability for unreserved love and for that love to be absolutely conditional (as paradoxical as that sounds). Unconditional love belongs exclusively to family. If i get a job anywhere I want to know that it was because of my credentials, not because love is something we "need" and can't do "without".

As far as unreserved love goes, that means to love without taking out insurance policies for the future that include several "out" clauses. Unfortunately, that is something i have always been guilty of. Like the list said of honesty, do not expect what you cannot give. Could be the reason so many of us are single and hurting. What we find perfect in another is what we find lacking in ourselves.

Marco XX
on Jun 20, 2004
Reply #18 By: Floozie - Mig - after my article yesterday about my perfect house and it's scary resemblance to yours, I am getting a little scared. Maybe I am you, just a few years late? I hope so - you seem to be pretty happy and happening. I could do much worse than to follow in your footsteps!

i wish i was as happening as people think i am. hehe. i don't think i'm very happening at all. but then, maybe that itself is the point ?. hehe. and i agree you could do worse than to follow in my footsteps (just be careful to avoid any side-roads labelled "nasty men phase" or "yes, i DO SO want a sprial perm") and you should be okay

Reply #19 By: notsohighlyevolved:. Could be the reason so many of us are single and hurting. What we find perfect in another is what we find lacking in ourselves.

maybe it's just that two people are often bonded by their joint insecurities more so than their good points. just a thought.

marco, does your extreme cynicism still give you indigestion ? ... you really need to visit soon (you can tell suz all about the house, seeing as you're the one most likely to be using the red wineglasses)

mig XXX

on Jun 20, 2004
i think the women being secure with herself is one of the one's i cant find enough. i find women who always say shit like "i'm fat", "i'm ugly", and shit like that. i LOVE self-deprecating jokes, i HATE slef-defeating personalities.

good job on the list (for some one from 'the other side').
on Jun 21, 2004
For the most part I agree.

7. she's smart: (exactly how smart is relative to the guy himself), but the days of the trophy bimbo are so over.

While I certainly prefer intelligent women, I do have a soft spot in my heart for the cute dumb ones.

10. she's a little wild: just in private, just for him.

There's an old country song called Behind Closed Doors that expresses that perfectly.

someone apparently overlooked funny

Oh, God, tell me about it. I have to have a woman with a highly developed sense of humour. Almost nothing frustrates me more that letting rip a brilliant bon mot only to have the other person sit there blankly -- or respond in earnest. Ugh. I once had a woman avoid me for several days because I made her laugh too much. (Like Salma Hayek said, "I don't like the ones who are too funny then you have to laugh all the time." Salma, to me that is a good thing.) Well, I avoid people whom I can't joke with. Self-censorship is annoying and frustrating.

Unconditional love belongs exclusively to family.

I hope once you marry a woman you consider her family. Isabella Rossellini got divorced because she never considered her husbands as "family." (Yikes.)

Grace is nice in a woman

Ahhh, Grace... Cute little thing that worked at Wendy's. I wonder what ever happened to her....
on Jun 21, 2004
(just be careful to avoid any side-roads labelled "nasty men phase" or "yes, i DO SO want a sprial perm")

I think I'm safe on the spiral perm, but you do never know what the future will hold! As for the 'nasty men phase' I think your warning has come too late! Why do we seem to need to go through the masochistic stage of desperately wanting someone who clearly takes only cursory interest in you? Oh that's right - so we will actually appreciate the good ones when they saunter on by
on Jun 21, 2004
what the hell is a spirial perm? and can you say it five times fast without it sounding clinical?
on Jun 21, 2004
can you say it five times fast without it sounding clinical?

I couldn't even read it once without it sounding clinical....
on Jun 21, 2004
Reply #21 By: sld6 - i LOVE self-deprecating jokes, i HATE slef-defeating personalities.

i know this. that is is why you love me after all, my sweet little hunk of crumpet *smooch*

Self-censorship is annoying and frustrating.

smartaz, you got it in one

Why do we seem to need to go through the masochistic stage of desperately wanting someone who clearly takes only cursory interest in you? Oh that's right - so we will actually appreciate the good ones when they saunter on by

you know what suz, i always thought that theory was kind of crap, myself. hehe. i think some women just go through stages of experience, and that is SO one of them. (at least i try to kid myself). never mind, sweetpea, use them for writing material ! long live the snog-blog !!!! *smooch*

what the hell is a spirial perm? and can you say it five times fast without it sounding clinical?

oh dear. king and smartaz, it is as bad as it sounds. very blonde, very large, very long, very curly hair. like some skinny pre-raphaelite with amnnesia. ugh !. not my best look.


mig XX
on Jun 21, 2004
I couldn't even read it once without it sounding clinical

verrrrrrrrrrry insightful!
on Jun 21, 2004
oooooh. THAT comment looks funny hehe. i'm too lazy to fix it, too.
on Jun 21, 2004
i meant my comment king. heh. not yours

mig XXX
on Jun 21, 2004
While I certainly prefer intelligent women, I do have a soft spot in my heart for the cute dumb ones.

Well, I guess I have to give you credit for being honest, Dumbass...er...I mean Smartaz!
on Jun 22, 2004
Reply By: KaylesWhile I certainly prefer intelligent women, I do have a soft spot in my heart for the cute dumb ones.Well, I guess I have to give you credit for being honest, Dumbass...er...I mean Smartaz!

ooooooooh !. scathing attack by kayles hehe !. i must admit that i was surprised to read that too, smartaz, but i let it pass by without comment. i assumed that you meant you found them "sweet" ... but not sweet enough to consider ahem, involving yourself with

i think you best clear that up, gene, before me and my clever girly buddies here start to feel unloved .. waaaaah !

long live clever chickies, kayles

mig XX

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