... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
... argue with somebody different ;)
Published on August 5, 2004 By mignuna In Blogging

part of a recent article of mine briefly touched on how many points it is possible to accumulate via launching a deliberately 'toxic' or 'inflammatory' post, then sitting back to watch the score go up via a hundred outraged people promptly arriving to announce that the post is offensive/stupid/racist/sexist/blah blah.

it was discussed that, instead of adding fuel to the fire in a 'toxic' post and rewarding it with points at the same time, we could simply bypass it and go instead to the 'new blogs' section on ju, choose a title we like, and give those points to a 'fledgling' blogger instead.

i mentioned that i used to simply ignore articles that annoyed me, but that in not commenting, my frustration stayed a negative experience. but if i read a new blog instead, the points are still generated, ju stays active, a new blogger receives encouragement, and i never fail to find something i enjoy.

and it seems i have uncovered a secret addiction amongst the ju bloggers !. so, the ju 'adopt-a-blogger' scheme was born !. the following ju bloggers have been kind enough to share with us their recent 'discoveries' on the 'new bloggers' front.

these suuuuuperstars of ju-land are proud to announce the following additions to their ju "fold"

*sally jacobs has adopted "M-Post"

*dharma has adopted "SSG Geezer"

*gideon has adopted "Tim Mack" (tim's blog is only new-ish)

*muggaz has adopted "thespoon"

*sally & muggaz are both adopting "romeo5000"

(and i get to add one too. because i wrote it. hehe)

*miggy has adopted "Ravenblack" and "Razorfeather"

that's all we have so far, but there are so many new bloggers out there just looking to receive the right encouragement, and there are so many regular users that are able to provide it that i think we should just about be able to cover it.

so, next time you have a moment, scan the 'new blogs' section, unearth some talent, and make it your place, on behalf of ju, to ensure that the blogger gets the welcome they deserve.

and please make sure you report back to us with the happy announcement

Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 05, 2004
sorry dharma, mug, sal & gideon. i finally did it

mig XX
on Aug 05, 2004
I like being "adopted" here. Encouragement and someone to comment on your posts is great. Then you know someone else read it!
So this was a group mind type of decision and no one person instigated it? That is pretty cool Miggy.
on Aug 05, 2004
I like being "adopted" here. Encouragement and someone to comment on your posts is great. Then you know someone else read it!

hi there ssg geezer. i'm so glad you received a welcome from the fabulous dharma. the woman is a treasure

So this was a group mind type of decision and no one person instigated it? That is pretty cool Miggy.

well, it sort of happened that i mentioned that i made a habit of going to new blogs instead of wasting my time with drama, and i suggested that people might like to to the same. so, while i did bring it up, right away a lot of very high ranked bloggers either mentioned or found a new blog. it seemed such a great way to deal with frustration that we decided to make it 'sort-of-semi official"

i'm very glad to hear from dharma's 'adoptee' . thankyou ssg geezer

vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 05, 2004
A grand idea; for a longtime, I've wondered why so many bloggers continually cluster round so few--it seems indecent that the few can generate upwards of 150 comments--nothing is that dramatic.
on Aug 06, 2004
it seemed such a great way to deal with frustration that we decided to make it 'sort-of-semi official"

It is a really good idea, and mostly thanks to you Mig. I've always made an effort to read new blogs, and its nice to offer words of encouragement, because it can be pretty intimidating to come to a new place and try and find your place. The new bloggers mentioned in this post are all fantastic writers, and would make it on their own anyway, it's just nice to offer them some support. Excellent article Mig, just for the nice message it has, it gets my insightful.
on Aug 06, 2004
Yo Guys

thespoon hasn't been back... maybe he doesn't like me oh well... can't really blame him!!!

Tim Mack is also a really cool blogger! great adoption there Gid!!!

Dont you feel that little bit more special?

on Aug 06, 2004
wow, means a lot to me Miguna. Thanks!
on Aug 06, 2004
This is a marvellous idea and I truly mean that, but I would like to suggest that the scheme be given a snappier name - My suggestion is the 'Patronise a New Blogger Scheme'
on Aug 06, 2004
'Patronise a New Blogger Scheme'

Sounds like a good name, but I thought you already did that?
on Aug 06, 2004
Sounds like a good name, but I thought you already did that?

Oh yes of course, I often go around "adopting" users of this website because they are poor little half wits who can't get to grips with the immense complexity of Joeuser without being mentored. How will they cope as mere orphan bloggers, they must be adopted immediately.

I must dash dear girl, I'm about to adopt Brad Wardell and it's time for his morning feed.
on Aug 06, 2004
...Peter, you're naughty!
on Aug 06, 2004
How will they cope as mere orphan bloggers, they must be adopted immediately

Sir Peter...

Sure you must recognise that people need to be shown the way from time to time...

Why, I myself could not be described as a maxwellian if it weren't for you and your mentoring!!! It is a brilliant way of getting people to see the Maxwellian way of life!!! I think you should adopt as many new bloggers as possible!!!

on Aug 06, 2004
I think you should adopt as many new bloggers as possible!!!

I already do this old boy, I just do not do it within the framework of a scheme. I do not want the new bloggers to realise that the only reason I am commenting on their silly articles in the first place, is so that they will comment on my own blog in return and therefore give me extra points.
on Aug 06, 2004
Great idea, Mig! I'm definitely going to start visiting new bloggers more often....just this morning I couldn't resist visiting "husband in hell", having been a wife in hell in a "past life".....offered some advice that I hope will be helpful......
on Aug 06, 2004
A grand idea; for a longtime, I've wondered why so many bloggers continually cluster round so few--it seems indecent that the few can generate upwards of 150 comments--nothing is that dramatic

stevendedalus, i'm glad you agree. it can only benefit all of us if we 'spread the love' hehe. thankyou for your comment.

I've always made an effort to read new blogs, and its nice to offer words of encouragement, because it can be pretty intimidating to come to a new place and try and find your place

exactly, sal. i think i mentioned once before how excited i was as a new blogger when 'the famous muggaz' commented in my articles.

The new bloggers mentioned in this post are all fantastic writers, and would make it on their own anyway, it's just nice to offer them some support.

that's a great way to put it, sal. and the quality of new blogs is very high, isn't it ?. good stuff

Yo Guys

thespoon hasn't been back... maybe he doesn't like me oh well... can't really blame him!!!

well, it has only been one day, muggy. i'm sure he doesn't dislike you. perhaps he is just busy ?. i will make sure to read his blog soon as well.

Tim Mack is also a really cool blogger! great adoption there Gid!!!

i agree. tim's work is very good. thanks gideon for mentioning to us

Reply #7 By: Ravenblack - 8/6/2004 3:43:40 AM
wow, means a lot to me Miguna. Thanks!

you're very welcome, raven. we always like to meet funky new chickies on ju. !. and congrats on your teriffic new blog.

This is a marvellous idea and I truly mean that, but I would like to suggest that the scheme be given a snappier name - My suggestion is the 'Patronise a New Blogger Scheme'

thankyou for your support, sir peter. i'd be most interested in your 'outing' a new blogger of your choice. i did find it difficult to agree on a name for the scheme, and being that i'm such a literal girl, i find your title most appealing if related to the lesser-used meaning of "patronise" (ie: act as patron to, or support).

although, i fear, as is often the case, the bastardisation of our language may have had me killed had i used that word. i'm sure you understand.

Sure you must recognise that people need to be shown the way from time to time...

thankyou muggy

I do not want the new bloggers to realise that the only reason I am commenting on their silly articles in the first place, is so that they will comment on my own blog in return and therefore give me extra points.

hmmm. i would suggest thst there are other benefits much greater than that, but whatever floats your boat, sir peter.

Great idea, Mig! I'm definitely going to start visiting new bloggers more often....just this morning I couldn't resist visiting "husband in hell", having been a wife in hell in a "past life".....offered some advice that I hope will be helpful......

theresa, i saw that username, i'm so glad you were able to read his work and offer him some encouragement ... with a name like that, i'm not surprised you thought he needed support !. thanks for your comment theresa.

vanessa/mig XX
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