... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
... of which i qualify for none ;)
Published on August 11, 2004 By mignuna In Personal Relationships

my mother recently left behind after a visit a 'women’s' magazine containing an article entitled "15 good reasons why YOU are a modern woman".

ok, i thought. this is a women’s' magazine. i am a woman. how bad can it be ?.

(how did i forget how ceaselessly patronising and awful these publications are ?. they have the pro-women titles like 'your world' and 'womens' way', yet they are jam packed with 'advice' that basically all amounts to the same thing: look good, catch man, trap man, do not pass go and absolutely do not think along the way).

it would appear that i am not deserving of such a high accolade, having failed to have achieved even one single item on the award list. not even one !. not only am i not a 'modern woman', it would appear that i am not even a bloody woman at all !.

i'm not even sure yet what made me so angry about the whole deal. the fact that i again failed miserably to conform to the worlds ideal of woman, or the fact that such tripe can be published and allowed to circulate to make women feel even shittier about themselves.

although i prefer to consider myself 'above' all that 'how to look better naked' palaver, it still sometimes gets under my skin to read this type of stuff. please feel free to scan the following reasons why (supposedly) "YOU are a modern woman":

(and remember, they are serious here. they actually mean it).


1/ you are an expert in recognising a jerk as soon as you meet one

2/ your handbag always matches your shoes - men just don't know how difficult this really is !

3/ you can walk in your prada heels without spilling a drop of latte

4/ you dream man is orlando bloom and you know exactly what you'd say to him if you met

5/ you always manage to charge any raunchy calls to your mans' bill

6/ no matter what else happens in your day, you always have time for your girlfriends

7/ regardless of how bad everything else gets, you always have matching underwear

8/ even if you had to retreat inside for a year, you wouldn't run out of moisturiser

9/ if you had to take 5 things to a desert island, you'd make sure you had some nail enamel, just for you !

10/ you can fit a wax and blow-dry into your lunch hour and still have time left over to do a spot of shopping

11/ you can't get through the day without resisting the temptation to email a girlfriend with your latest gossip

12/ you cry every time you watch "the stepmom"

13/ you know the words to every 'friends' episode and love to watch them with your very own 'friends'

14/ you manage to treat yourself to a luxurious indulgence, such as a pedicure or facial, at least once a month

15/ and, above all, you're always yourself, no matter what anybody thinks !

irony, anybody ?

can they not be charged with something here ?. how about 'gross misuse of your power via manipulating your readers into feeling shitting enough to buy the next issue that tells them how to fix it' ?. we could condense that to 'triggering mass tail-chasing amongst vulnerable women' perhaps.

well, that's a big fat zero for me on the quiz. so tell me, are YOU a modern woman ?

Comments (Page 3)
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on Aug 13, 2004
this is why reading is for suckers

but not comic books, stePHen. not comic books !

vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 13, 2004
but not comic books

Now wait a minute, mig, you like comic books too?? Which ones?
on Aug 13, 2004
i often find myself picking up and reading these rags of banality, ( mostly for the recipes, i love to cook) and thinking..."hey, i could do better than that."

i have a similar feeling on occasion, sabrina

Ive considered trying my hand at some free-lance writing, i just dont know if i could "dumb it down" sufficiently enough to get the editors approval.

i also have this feeling, sabrina !. that i would try and behave, but i would end up writing something called 'have some pride, you blind moronic followers'. ahem. yes, not very 'new woman' at all. (bugger 'new woman' ... i need a mag for me ... what about 'old woman" ? hehe)

Now wait a minute, mig, you like comic books too?? Which ones?

i do, citahellion, i do !. i am learning from my friend steve (the comic store cowboy himself hehe). steve blogs on here under the name 'shitsngiggles', and he has some great stuff on spidey (my fave), and on the mis-representation of the female form in comic books. you should have a look, i think you'd like it (there's a link to steve's blog on my blog, btw)

vanessa/mig XX
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