what have you lost ? ... NOTHING ;) aka "tao of cranky old woman"
you already have the condition that will someday kill you.
i know that because you are alive.
and if you weren’t ...you couldn’t die, right ?.
a lot of people, especially as they begin to age, ponder upon what it is they will die “of”.
but the answer is quite simple: you will die of being alive.
sound a bit basic and simplistic ? ...
... GOOD ... because IT IS.
death and dying are things we fear like a sniper, fight like an enemy and face like a coward.
they are things that pluck us, unready and unwilling from our earthly “paradise” into well ... nothing ?. or maybe something. who can say.
who can care ? ...
in the words of monty python: “you came from nothing. you’re going back to nothing. so, what have you lost ? .... nothing !”.
so, our ties to "matter" are just the physical results of what we did while we were here, and our physical bodies are just the "container" for who we are.
no big news there
and, like any container than ages, and thus becomes unsuitable for it’s task, our “human” forms must eventually release the soul within back to whence it came.
for recycling ? ... for damnation ? ... for harps and choirs ? ...
that part is up to you. whatever carries your spirit through this world will be borne by it as it changes. you have choices. but you must both live AND die, for neither really means very much without the eternal shadow of the other.
do not live your life in fear of death, though neither be incautious with the gift of life you have been given ... a long and wasted life of safety can’t be weighed against a short, bright one ... the scales could never measure the difference of the true “weight” of the souls they each contained.
if you fear not. if you judge not. you should never need to run from what is coming “for” you.
the human notion of “consequence” can have us fooled into thinking we “caused” all manner of events that in other circumstances would mean we believe ourselves omnipotent. why do otherwise rational people beat themselves up over things that they can’t even hope of controlling ?.
fact is, the shadow of our death follows from the moment of our birth. death is, and always will be, the only thing that can define what “life” is. the transition between life and death brings about the most challenging belief situations that any mortal can face.
so face them. before you HAVE to. look ahead. you’re going to die. we all are. we will not be spared, any of us, but we will be peaceful until then if we can let go and just “be”.