... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...

... your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to create yourself the closest to your perfect partner you can based on this selection of qualities. but there is a catch ... the qualities below are exclusionary, and in choosing one, you automatically eliminate its opposite.

would they be ...

1/ spontaneous or stable ?

2/ passive or aggressive ?

3/ monogamous or experimental ?

4/ material or spiritual ?

5/ talented or driven ?

... rank your answers in importance from 1-5, and please include your reasons if you can.

this weeks' friday five owes it's probing subject matter to the fabulous little_whip. go visit her here: Link

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 02, 2004
Okay, first of all, let me say that this is HARD!

would they be ...

1/ spontaneous or stable ?


2/ passive or aggressive ?

Passive-aggressive.......okay, moderately aggressive

3/ monogamous or experimental ?


4/ material or spiritual ?


5/ talented or driven ?


... rank your answers in importance from 1-5, and please include your reasons if you can.


The reasons are a little difficult to explain, as they are mostly personal and have a lot to do with the failed relationships I've had in the past, and the things that attracted me to my darling husband.
on Jul 02, 2004
1 Spontaneous. I myself have at least been told I'm a very stable person... (and used as a crutch far too often lol) So spontaneous would add some spice to life for me

2 Monogamous. I've been cheated on by women all too many times... If I'm with someone I dedicate myself to them wholly and expect the same back.

3. Spiritual. I like material possessions.. but they aren't what makes life worth living... I'd much rather live in squaller with a truly great woman than be rich with someone I can't stand.

4. Aggressive. Since I myself am a very passive person.... opposites can fuel a lot of fun hehe

5. Talented. If they are talented I'd could provide the drive to do what is needed to further their life and talent
on Jul 02, 2004
1/ spontaneous or stable ? stable
2/ passive or aggressive ? passive-agressive (No, wait! I HATE that!)
3/ monogamous or experimental ? monogamous
4/ material or spiritual ? spirtual
5/ talented or driven ? talented

4, 1, 3, 5, 2
It sounds as if my idea of a perfect mate is sort of boring, but I figure that those are the things I need to balance out my "personality".

If I were answering these questions for me, they would be:

1/ spontaneous or stable ? spontaneous
2/ passive or aggressive ? passive, unless I'm very passionate about something
3/ monogamous or experimental ? monogamous
4/ material or spiritual ? spirtual
5/ talented or driven ? driven

on Jul 02, 2004
yay i love these!! I need to get my sad ass of line though, but not quite yet....

1)Spontaneous, i'm easily bored! and I think its more romantic anyway.

2)passive, aggressive is just scary. I quite like moody people though, as long as they're not violent.

3)hmm...biologically etc humans aren't meant to be monogamous are they?But in an ideal world, monogamous please..


5) talented. I can love someone solely based on their mind and their talents...and what's drive without talent behind it? (avril lavigne!!yuk)

Love Dyl xxx
on Jul 02, 2004
1/ spontaneous or stable ? Spontaneous

2/ passive or aggressive ? Hmm...tough..passive JUST!

3/ monogamous or experimental ? Monogamous

4/ material or spiritual ? spiritual

5/ talented or driven ? talented

Order of importance....


This was a tough one this week Mig, hmm ok, Why this order, i want someone I can totally trust, that loves me and me alone. Honesty is the most important thing to me. I get bored real easy, I need someone who will keep me on my toes, and make things exciting! Spiritual, I need someone I can connect with, that understands me, that gets me, that is priceless. Talented, hehe, erm...I find it so attractive when someone just has a natural talent that they don't have to work at, driven it to formal, and trying to hard, I'm a laid back kind of lass! Passive, I'm still unsure about this one, but aggressive can be scary, I like the middle ground really, someone not to aggressive, but who won't just role over for me, and be like a pet!
on Jul 02, 2004
1/ spontaneous or stable ?
Stable. I lived a spontaneous life in my youth, and while it was exciting it left me a bit empty. Stability allows you to form a foundation on which many enjoyable life experiences can be based.

2/ passive or aggressive ?
Aggressive. I like assertive women. I like it when someone has an opinion and is not affraid to share it, even when (maybe especially when) it disagrees with mine.

3/ monogamous or experimental ?
Monogamous. I am, by nature, absolutely monogamous. When I'm dating a girl, there are no other girls in the world for me. There are just other people that may or may not be female. I want the same from my mate.

4/ material or spiritual ?
Material. I'm a mechanist.

5/ talented or driven ?
Talented. Talented is so much more entertaining. I personally lack great ambition. I want to be successful in my career to the point that I have few financial worries, and I have achieved that. But in the end, I believe very strongly that I work to live, I do not live to work.

Order of importance: 3, 2, 5, 1, 4
on Jul 02, 2004

awww, you guys are so funky hehe, but it's 2am and i'm too sleepy to reply ... see you all in the morning ... and thanks !!!!

happy mig XXX
on Jul 02, 2004
1/ spontaneous or stable ?


2/ passive or aggressive ?


3/ monogamous or experimental ?


4/ material or spiritual ?


5/ talented or driven ?


... rank your answers in importance from 1-5, and please include your reasons if you can.

Spiritual-I need someone who loves Jesus as much as I do and will stop whenever I'm having a problem and just pray with me. I can't see myself being intimate (knowing someone fully and being fully known by them) if he isn't a strong Christian.

Monogamous- Personal preference, I suppose. And moral beliefs.

Spontaneous- I don't know if it was the greatest idea to have someone either be stable or spontaneous... because I'd like both, but... I guess spontanaity makes things a bit more fun. I'm pretty spontaneous, so I need someone who will do new things with me. I want someone who will just drive off to California with me for no reason. I need someone who will stay up all night, drive two hours just to watch the sunrise from the highest point in Wisconsin.

Talented- Whatever... talented is fun.

Aggressive- I like a guy who knows what he likes and goes for it... in most cases that is. Not stalker/never-giving-up-type, but someone who takes initiative on dates and stuff.

Miggy, I love you FF's... keep 'em comin!

on Jul 02, 2004
btw... who's in your link at the bottom of your article?

on Jul 02, 2004

Disclaimer: While at the current age of 21, I do not believe I currently possess a concrete image of the perfect woman insofar as all my qualities have not been completely defined.  With that said here's Ms. Rightnow.

1. Although I would like stability in a woman, historically I have always been attracted to spontaneous ones like a fly to a candle for better or worse, so spontaneity with an importance of 3.

2.I think this would be a 5 in it's importance because I really would like a lady that is as passive as I am. 

3.In it's importance this fairs as a 2 but I tend to gravitate towards conservatism because I would prefer monogamy but I am not obsessed with it.

4.Here's my age showing-I am definitely split in this category so I strictly will say equal amounts of both.

5.These are hard choices Mig I can't imagine having to make a woman from scratch like this it would be too hard.  As far as importance this would be a 5 and I would choose talent because all she would need is motivation which would be me...

on Jul 02, 2004
Disclaimer: While at the current age of 21, I do not believe I currently possess a concrete image of the perfect woman insofar as all my qualities have not been completely defined. With that said here's Ms. Rightnow.

That is an impressive observation.
on Jul 03, 2004

i love this thing. i love it. we have 4 males and 6 females, so it's taking on a pattern already. but i have to echo little_whip when i say no taking the soft option and choosing them both you naughty people !

(yes gene and psychx, that means you ! ... if the girls were brave enought to say it ...)

ok, so far:

of the girls it's half-and-half for spontaneous vs. stable at 3 each. next we have little_whip, sarah, and poetmom that chose an aggresive partner. dyl and sal went for passive, and kayles had both. ALL the girls with the exception of little_whip chose monogamy. (an interesting thing there, i think, is (as little_whip pointed out) the female assumption that that aggressive only means violent). next we have 6 OUT OF 6 for the first time with spirituality over materialism. way to go chickies !. last is 5 out of 6 for talent over drive, with little_whip selecting drive for the reason that talent alone is rarely enough to motivate someone.

of the guys it's spontaneous for gene, m-post, and psychx. cs guy alone elected stability. ALL THE GUYS went for monogamous with 4 out of 4. only psychx stayed on the fence for materialism and spirituality (but i let him get away with it), so half of the 4 men went for spritituality, with only cs guy opting for materialism. so impressed !. 3 out of 4 again with aggression chosen by all the guys except psychx again ! (he's a sweetie, isn't he ? hehe). last up we had the boys with 3 out of 4 for talet over drive, and gene cheated and said both but he makes me swoon so he gets away with it. heh.

i'm going to wait to do the overall rankings of importance in case we get any more answers. but so far, this has been the best one yet, and, like last week, it makes me wonder what man and women fight about ... we all seem to want the same things ... again !.

keep 'em coming everyone. you guys are soooo interesting. aw, shucks, i just love you all hehe

happy mig XXX

on Jul 03, 2004
gene cheated

No worries. I won't comment on these anymore. I don't know why I bothered.
on Jul 03, 2004

No worries. I won't comment on these anymore. I don't know why I bothered.

gene, your support of me here on ju means an awful lot to me, and i'm not beyond saying that in a very public way. i can only apologise and hope you come back to see it. i'm so sorry. i really am. if i thought for a second that my crappy joke would have offended you, i wouldn't have written it and i do mean that.

i know i'm not supposed to get upset about "blog people", but you've been so great to me and i am not about to let you think i don't need and appreciate your support here. because i do.

i'm sorry

mig XXX

on Jul 03, 2004
1/ spontaneous or stable ?

2/ passive or aggressive ?

3/ monogamous or experimental ?

4/ material or spiritual ?

5/ talented or driven ?

1. spontaneous - I like to live each day as a new adventure, a spouse who is too stable would go nuts

2. passive - this was the toughest one, but I am not fond of confrontations, I don't force them, and couldn't live easily with someone who did

3. monogamous - fidelity is one important key to a happy marriage

4. spiritual - I am not very material, and I need a spouse who understands that and is likeminded

5. driven - this is the one area where I chose a complete foil. I consider myself to be marginally talented, but have seen ample evidence that even marginally talented individuals, marketed correctly, can be successful in this day and age. I just need someone to give me a kick in the arse sometimes.
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