... fight "for" something, not about it
unless your intention is to deliberately malign and offend people, delivering your message in an unkind, aggressive or patronising way will not serve you well in this world. no matter how “wrong” someone or something may be, i am yet to see anybody converted to a cause by being ridiculed into it.
if what you believe in is important to you, then you owe it to yourself to make sure that your support of it doesn’t leave you blind to it's shortcomings, and to ensure that whatever you say in it's “defence” isn’t just thinly disguised condescension masquerading as “facts”.
take personally only what is personal. the involvement of emotionalism in our presentation of “facts” has long been the bane of human communication. most of us cannot bear to hear our carefully-formed views or well-researched beliefs/opinions bucketed with rubbish by somebody who just doesn’t know what we know.
yet in attempting to “correct” their “misconceptions”, our emotional commitment to what we know is right often takes the reins and turns a reasonable factual exchange into a personal mud-slinging farce.
practicing what you preach is an old-but-good example of a shortcut to gathering understanding, and eventually respect, for the things you deem important. desiring 100% agreement on the part of the world is demonstrating a one-way mindset. as is treating anybody that thinks differently than you as an “opponent”.
like it or not, there are people who are comfortable agreeing to disagree with you, and insistence will not make them “see the light”, it will more than likely just cement the opposing view they had to begin with, or possibly even exacerbate it.
fanaticism isn’t a good recruiter. being ruled by a belief and remaining deaf to all input will not foster a positive message about your views. you add nothing to an issue or belief by becoming a rampantly closed-minded supporter of it. you in fact actively detract from the opinion of your cause by mounting an aggressive or closed-minded stance in it’s "defence".
being a walking, talking ad for your values gives you a vehicle to demonstrate their relevance to, and effect on, you the person ... the person your values make you ... the person that is more of a positive advertisement for those values of yours than any comment you may make will ever be.