... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
... safe harbour for the big issues
Published on July 15, 2004 By mignuna In Philosophy

(the following issues inspire such debate and stir such emotion that it's almost impossible not to give them at least some consideration. so, in the "safe harbour" of friday five, i thought we could share our opinions on the current "big issues". hopefully we may end up with a general "consensus" or majority view in some very interesting areas).

... do you approve or disapprove of ...

1/ prostitution ?

2/ drugs ?

3/ pornography ?

4/ censorship ?

5/ pre-marital sex ?

(note: as usual, please give your reasons if you are willing, and skip or alter any question as you choose, as they're only guidelines. everybody is welcome to participate ... and yes, i did avoid politics and religion (amongst others) on purpose. i may be curious, but there are places even i'm too scared to go )

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jul 17, 2004
The answers to your survey just go a great way into telling us the demographics of your audience! which tells us about you!

Miggy draws wasted prostitution loving porn freaks to her blog! hehe...

on Jul 19, 2004

Miggy draws wasted prostitution loving porn freaks to her blog! hehe...

muggy, do i need to point out that you are amongst my most frequent callers ?

mig XX
on Jul 19, 2004
Well, ok.

1) you don't have to sell sex to be a prostitute. I think I heard the term "corporate whore," once or twice. I'm a little if'ie on morality issues. I find the killings in africa to be a far greater sin.

2)Drugs. yeah, what about it?

3)porn--what's that?

4) censorship--XXXXXXXX.

5) pre-marital sex--honestly, i inhaled, but i didn't like it.
on Jul 19, 2004
1) you don't have to sell sex to be a prostitute. I think I heard the term "corporate whore," once or twice. I'm a little if'ie on morality issues. I find the killings in africa to be a far greater sin.

i agree that prostitiution can take other forms, johnny. and welcome to friday five, glad you're here

2)Drugs. yeah, what about it?

3)porn--what's that?

4) censorship--XXXXXXXX.

seems you have the general consensus there, j

5) pre-marital sex--honestly, i inhaled, but i didn't like it

hehe, i trust you acquired a taste for it eventually ?

mig XX
on Jul 19, 2004
Miggy draws wasted prostitution loving porn freaks to her blog!

I'm not wasted.
on Jul 19, 2004
... do you approve or disapprove of ...

1/ prostitution ? oh... like a lot of people here, it's not whether I approve of the act itself or not... since it happens, and will never not happen, I'd like to think that there would be some better way to make certain of safety, and responsibility. I have no answers on how to do so, however.

2/ drugs ? I approve, but rarely do them. I get all paranoid and would rather have a couple of pints instead.

3/ pornography ? hmmm.... As long as it doesn't contain children, or exploited persons, it's up to the individual, I think. Unfortunately, it's an issue that rarely leaves the innocents alone.

4/ censorship ? Against it wholeheartedly. Who's the judge? As far as children go, parents need to know what they are reading, watching and listening to and not rely on bloody numbered systems.

5/ pre-marital sex ? Yes, please.
on Jul 19, 2004
I'm not wasted.

Pffft.... BORING!!!!

on Jul 19, 2004
I have to post a note on legalized prostitution. I live in a community where it is legal. We have almost no rapes, women are never robbed by their johns, johns are never robbed by their prostitutes, and most important, it is the first city where I've ever lived where you see NO streetwalkers. Zero. None.

Prostitution in this area is heavily regulated, and must be in brothels, not on the streets. It doesn't enter our day to day lives whatsoever, and the brothels provide a MASSIVE tax basis for the community. While I don't as a rule approve of the morality of prostitution, there are some grey areas that I think should be considered. So, without further hijacking, I'm going to jump back to my blog and write about it.
on Jul 19, 2004

5) Sex is an important part of y our relationship, if y ou do not have sex before you are married then you could find yourself with a very large hurdle in your relationship that you never knew existed if you are sexually incompatible. I am not really for random sex either though, i think in most instances you should share some kind of relationship with the person you sleep with, but i have no problems who those who view sex as recreation.

Sexually incompatible? What's that? Someone's doinkus corkscrews or something like that?

Sorry, but I find the "sexual incompatibility" argument for why a couple MUST have premarital sex to be laughable. I would NEVER counsel someone to compromise their morals on what is, by and large, a myth. If you choose to have premarital sex, hey, it's your business...but don't insist it to be essential to a healthy relationship.
on Jul 20, 2004

A needed service that's been around since the year dot, in some form or another. As Muggz said... even ugly people need to get laid. Then there's the folks who may be disfigured or crippled etc. They need lovin' too. Keep in mind that there are male and female prostitutional services available. We're not just talking about women here.


Jury's out on this one. I believe there are harmful, and non-harmful drugs. In my opinion, marijuana is a soft drug which does not take it's user down the road to hard drugs. Case in point: Me. I have smoked whacky tobaccy since I was about 16. I am 44 now, and suffer from no-side effects. Admittedly, I use it recreationally, and choose it above alcohol, which I believe does more damage to the human body than a bit of herb does. It does not have to be smoked to be ingested, or to feel it's effects.


Guess it provides a service in itself. I mean, look at it's prevalence on the net and the amount of revenue it generates. Sorta says that society in general tolerates it, whether or not that is vocally stated by individuals. As a whole though, it would seem that a high percentage of the general public either tolerate it or approve of it. Me... I can take it or leave it. I'd rather see a real person. Agree with keeping children away from it. Disagree wholeheartedly with porn in some of it's forms... such as beastiality, rape fantasy, torture etc. That's just sick!


Yes and no. I'm all for free speech, but if that free speech is in itself intended to incite violence or hatred towards a race or persons, then I believe in the right to "gag" that individual. Case in example would be person/persons rallying to create civil war, or rallying to gain support for terrorism/terrorists. Gag 'em I say!

Pre-marital sex:

Ya gotta get experience somewhere! What if you found out on your wedding night that you were a dud lay?!
on Jul 21, 2004
I'm not wasted.

ahem. if you think i'm touching that, cs guy hehe

Pffft.... BORING!!!!

are you wasted muggy ? hehe

I have to post a note on legalized prostitution. I live in a community where it is legal. We have almost no rapes, women are never robbed by their johns, johns are never robbed by their prostitutes, and most important, it is the first city where I've ever lived where you see NO streetwalkers. Zero. None.

now that would make for a nice change of scenery from a city, gideon

While I don't as a rule approve of the morality of prostitution, there are some grey areas that I think should be considered

thanks for your thoughts on this gideon. i'll come over to read that article shortly.

They need lovin' too. Keep in mind that there are male and female prostitutional services available. We're not just talking about women here.

i'm glad you added this, wreckless. in all of the responses this article, only two responses mentioned male prostitution, and both of those responses came from males. wonder if the chicks have a view on this ?

Jury's out on this one. I believe there are harmful, and non-harmful drugs

agreed, wreckless

Me... I can take it or leave it. I'd rather see a real person. Agree with keeping children away from it.

i'm with you again there

Case in example would be person/persons rallying to create civil war, or rallying to gain support for terrorism/terrorists. Gag 'em I say!

again, you save me from needing to post my own answer, eric

What if you found out on your wedding night that you were a dud lay?!

... and you didn't know ? *gasp*

I'd like to think that there would be some better way to make certain of safety, and responsibility. I have no answers on how to do so, however.

thanks for your input, nicky. i agree, this would be an ideal situation

I approve, but rarely do them. I get all paranoid and would rather have a couple of pints instead

good idea, nicky ... you stick to what works for you, but still keep an open mind

Unfortunately, it's an issue that rarely leaves the innocents alone.

agreed, nicky. exploitation is the major issue here, and on many levels

censorship ? Against it wholeheartedly. Who's the judge?

it is very hard to say what may be lost due to puritanical censors, and as you say nicky, who can possibly say what is fit for all of us ?

Yes, please

ding dong ! hehe. nicky, i'll take that one was a "yes"

thanks everyone. the biggest one so far

mig XX
on Jul 21, 2004
Sexually incompatible? What's that? Someone's doinkus corkscrews or something like that?Sorry, but I find the "sexual incompatibility" argument for why a couple MUST have premarital sex to be laughable. I would NEVER counsel someone to compromise their morals on what is, by and large, a myth. If you choose to have premarital sex, hey, it's your business...but don't insist it to be essential to a healthy relationship.

Well, first off mister, i said COULD have a large hurdle. That word represents a possibility not an inevitability. But i DO believe that it is BEST if someone has sex before they are married, i don't think it is essential, but i think they would be better served if they did. I would never counsel someone to compromise their beliefs. If it is against someone's morals then they shouldn't do it, but if you are implying that sexual incompatibility would not lead to problems arising in a relationship, then you are being ridiculous. A myth? So couples never have problems with their sex life?
on Jul 21, 2004
only two responses mentioned male prostitution

Offended! I mentioned them too *hmph*

(Kidding - I'm just standing up for the ladies out there!)
on Jul 21, 2004
I'm not wasted.

ahem. if you think i'm touching that, cs guy hehe

Aw, come on... touch it... just a little.
on Jul 21, 2004
1) Prostitution: In a perfect world, it would be fine. In our world, it is abusive, destructive, and preys upon the most frail aspects of our personalities on both sides of the transaction. If everyone was perfectly adjusted and self-assured, it would be fine. As it stands it is harmful.

2) Drugs. I think anything of biological relevance can have a chemical pay-off and be fine. Food, even alchoholic beverages serve non-intoxicating functions. Our biology is set up to reward us for doing the right thing. Modern society has screwed that up and given us too much of a good thing in terms of chemical stimulus. To add items used for nothing BUT chemical stimulus is way over the top. If you get a kick from a beer with dinner or the caffiene in your coffee, great, you had a bonus. Snorting a line of Coke by-passes life and goes straight to the bonus.

3) Pornography: See item #1. If we were all perfectly well adjusted and self-reliant it would be fine. As it is, it is often abusive to the objects of lust and a sad crutch for those who take advantage of it. I ogle as much skin as the next guy, so I am hypocritical as always, but it is never without the sense that there is something sad about it.

4) Censorship: Impossible to do fairly, but necessary. No one would advise a station to intersperse kid's cartoons with X-Rated movies, so everyone would admit that some form of reasonable censorship is necessary. Fine tuning is always going to be painful.

5) Pre-Marital Sex: See #1 and #3. Pre-marital sex when you are 30 isn't the same as pre-marital sex when you are 15. You could also see #2, honestly, because I think like caffine and alcohol sex is a by-product of living. When you make it a purposeful, on-demand feature you take something away from it.

Hack me to bits, lol. Just my point of view.
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