... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
... safe harbour for the big issues
Published on July 15, 2004 By mignuna In Philosophy

(the following issues inspire such debate and stir such emotion that it's almost impossible not to give them at least some consideration. so, in the "safe harbour" of friday five, i thought we could share our opinions on the current "big issues". hopefully we may end up with a general "consensus" or majority view in some very interesting areas).

... do you approve or disapprove of ...

1/ prostitution ?

2/ drugs ?

3/ pornography ?

4/ censorship ?

5/ pre-marital sex ?

(note: as usual, please give your reasons if you are willing, and skip or alter any question as you choose, as they're only guidelines. everybody is welcome to participate ... and yes, i did avoid politics and religion (amongst others) on purpose. i may be curious, but there are places even i'm too scared to go )

Comments (Page 4)
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on Jul 22, 2004
Offended! I mentioned them too *hmph*

sorry, suz !. kudos to you for standing up for the ladies, chicky

Aw, come on... touch it... just a little.

bah. that only makes it worse

If everyone was perfectly adjusted and self-assured, it would be fine. As it stands it is harmful.

agreed, baker. this has been the major recurring answer here on regarding prositution - no matter what "legal" standpoint people took, those that pesonally approved stated conditional approval based on equitable treatment for those involved. (ie: as you say, in a perfect world)

Snorting a line of Coke by-passes life and goes straight to the bonus.

baker, marco is sitting here with me (notsohighlyevolved marco, that is), and he pointed at that quote of yours and said "i like that". i like it too, i find using any indulgence as a "reward" system works for me. primitive creature i am. hehe

As it is, it is often abusive to the objects of lust and a sad crutch for those who take advantage of it.

agreed again. and ditto my comment as above.

Impossible to do fairly, but necessary

the censorship question provoked a lot of strong reactions here (no surprises there). again, most are agreed on the issue, it is the enforcement that is the actual problem.

I think like caffine and alcohol sex is a by-product of living

i agree that sex, like caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, etc, is becoming just another thing we will rely on as our due ... something we think we require to simply get by. thanks for adding your comments, baker.

mig XX
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