... rock your own world ;)
can i ask you, did you ever see a statue erected to a critic ?.
didn't think so.
so why are so many people afraid to follow their dreams ? why are so many people afraid what others will 'think' of them if they become who they really are ?.
i used to have a lot of dreams, and dreams are exactly what most of them remained. some slipped through my grasp, but mostly i thought i just ‘outgrew’ them.
dreams are important. they sustain us in bad times. but it is turning dreams into reality that makes us.
dream of wealth and waste your life accumulating it, and you have lived the struggle of a poor man your entire existence.
dream of peace and you waste the person you may have become by forfeiting the trials of your life.
just dream of happiness.
just allow yourself to ponder the fact that the average human has seven moments of pure and absolute happiness in their lifetime. that’s right, seven only.
on average, you will feel the full joy of being human about once a decade.
turn towards the part of you that fights for attention above the deafening din of everyday life and just ask yourself the simplest of difficult questions.
what do i need to make me happy ?
exclude anything material, stop wondering what the neighbours will (or worse, won’t) think about you, and work on being a moment-a-month person.
a decade is a damn long time to wait before feeling any type of reward for enduring the chaos that is being human. nobody is going to ask you what you want. you’re just going to have to go get it for yourself.
and the thing is, you can.
you don’t need to follow anyone or be afraid to change course. being on the right track won’t help you if you just sit there, and there’s no harm in changing the rules if the game is clearly killing you.
my hubby and lived in a city and ‘saved for a rainy day’ for years before we realised that it was pouring all over us every day without us noticing. i guess we were waiting for a signal for our lives to start.
if your dreams look like they might be going to remain dreams, then i suggest you ask yourself what it is that you’re actually doing with your life, and who it is you’re doing it for.
and don't let your dreams be dreams