... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
... top 10 keyword searches of all time
Published on August 12, 2004 By mignuna In Humor

a london-based friend of mine told me recently that, since he had commenced working as a contract-based 'it consultant' in 1997, the top ten keyword searches on the internet have barely changed. despite the internet advancing in leaps and bounds, we are all still just mucking around in here !.

i do have an inherent mistrust of lists. i admit that. but with the source of this information being the highly respected british accounting firm for whom my friend is currently working, i am horrified to have to admit that there is at least a fair chance of it's being accurate.

whilst the 'keywords' themselves do vary in popularity (a bit of a 'top ten' for the fads society goes through), invariably the world at large remains selfishly focused on very silly, very boring and/or very naughty things that concern only themselves and that they would prefer to not to be caught looking at.

congratulations to the world for it's top ten all time favourite keyword searches ...

1/ porn

2/ sex

3/ email

4/ free

5/ free porn

6/ computer

7/ microsoft

8/ dog

9/ food

10/ music

(plus various combinations (and, quite frankly, revolting mixes) of the words above used as 'searches').

this just proves what most of us have long secretly suspected. that we all use the internet to do bad things and then blame other people, and that, left alone with an 'information superhighway', most people will still type the word 'porn' into the 'search' box just to see what 'happens'.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Aug 13, 2004
suz ! heeee heeee !. that's the best one i've ever heard. i'm so proud of you !

Why thank you, little lady. I am quite proud myself. I have been known to be a bit of a man eater (ba boom ching! That was terrible )
on Aug 13, 2004
Is it so far from the real worl the internet is the reflection of outselves not anything different or separate and these 'keywors' such as pr0n are the everyday concerns of people all over the world.

sometimes its ugly what looks back at you from the mirror - we can always steam it up and dellude ourselfs.
on Aug 13, 2004
the internet is the reflection of outselves not anything different or separate and these 'keywors' such as pr0n are the everyday concerns of people all over the world

this is true, voiceofdissent. and nice to 'meet' you.

sometimes its ugly what looks back at you from the mirror - we can always steam it up and dellude ourselfs.

this is a great way of putting it. i think we often do that too. thanks for your comment.

vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 18, 2004
I have to update my answer . . . I recently checked mine and found several interesting searches to include: "coming home to see boobs!"
on Aug 18, 2004
I recently checked mine and found several interesting searches to include: "coming home to see boobs!"

coming home to see boobs ? coming home to see boobs ?. bwaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa, texas wahine, how on earth did that happen ?

laughing mig XX
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