... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
... top 10 keyword searches of all time
Published on August 12, 2004 By mignuna In Humor

a london-based friend of mine told me recently that, since he had commenced working as a contract-based 'it consultant' in 1997, the top ten keyword searches on the internet have barely changed. despite the internet advancing in leaps and bounds, we are all still just mucking around in here !.

i do have an inherent mistrust of lists. i admit that. but with the source of this information being the highly respected british accounting firm for whom my friend is currently working, i am horrified to have to admit that there is at least a fair chance of it's being accurate.

whilst the 'keywords' themselves do vary in popularity (a bit of a 'top ten' for the fads society goes through), invariably the world at large remains selfishly focused on very silly, very boring and/or very naughty things that concern only themselves and that they would prefer to not to be caught looking at.

congratulations to the world for it's top ten all time favourite keyword searches ...

1/ porn

2/ sex

3/ email

4/ free

5/ free porn

6/ computer

7/ microsoft

8/ dog

9/ food

10/ music

(plus various combinations (and, quite frankly, revolting mixes) of the words above used as 'searches').

this just proves what most of us have long secretly suspected. that we all use the internet to do bad things and then blame other people, and that, left alone with an 'information superhighway', most people will still type the word 'porn' into the 'search' box just to see what 'happens'.


Comments (Page 1)
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on Aug 12, 2004
ahh my old favorite "computer food porn music" the sound tracks to these (very limited audience) films is nothing short of groudbreaking!
on Aug 12, 2004
I remember surfing the internet with my then teenaged brother and sister when they first got it. We deliberately typed in the sickest, silliest things we could think of just to see what came up.
on Aug 12, 2004

We deliberately typed in the sickest, silliest things we could think of just to see what came up.

We did this last time our unit had a Mission to pass the time.

on Aug 12, 2004

We deliberately typed in the sickest, silliest things we could think of just to see what came up.

I want to believe that some of my Google referrals were due to that.....the thought that people actually searched for 'naked air force wife dog sex' makes me want to hurl....

on Aug 12, 2004
Free dog food porn, sex, and music Microsoft computer email....there's a search for ya....I used them all in a comprehensive sentence........

on Aug 12, 2004
ahh my old favorite "computer food porn music" the sound tracks to these (very limited audience) films is nothing short of groudbreaking!

ahhh, so it was you, greywar, that started this trend. i might have known

I remember surfing the internet with my then teenaged brother and sister when they first got it. We deliberately typed in the sickest, silliest things we could think of just to see what came up.

apparently, gideon, this is still a fave of net users the world over !

We did this last time our unit had a Mission to pass the time

and i bet there was plenty out there, too, greywar. i can just imagine !

I want to believe that some of my Google referrals were due to that.....the thought that people actually searched for 'naked air force wife dog sex' makes me want to hurl....

dharma, somebody actually DID that ?. oh, ewwwwww. *pukes*

Free dog food porn, sex, and music Microsoft computer email....there's a search for ya....I used them all in a comprehensive sentence....

well done, zoo. i mean, that's terrible !

vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 12, 2004
If you want to see some odd ones, you could always look in your own Google referrals.
on Aug 12, 2004
Hell!! I am going to type porn in there right now!

I like the fact that free is in the list. Look at that. then free porn

Why Microsoft is in the list I don't know. Food, music, dog???? I get food, we eat food. Music is also a life blood of wel being for most people. Dog? Not sure about that.

on Aug 12, 2004
I want to believe that some of my Google referrals were due to that.....the thought that people actually searched for 'naked air force wife dog sex' makes me want to hurl....


damn, I must be missing your GOOD blogs! lol
on Aug 12, 2004
If you want to see some odd ones, you could always look in your own Google referrals.

pseudosoldier, i did this once a while ago, and it was so bizarre that i ended up writing a blog on it afterwards !. thanks for your comment

Hell!! I am going to type porn in there right now!

uh oh !

I like the fact that free is in the list. Look at that. then free porn

yes. humans are not hard to predict are we, jowtheblow ?

Why Microsoft is in the list I don't know. Food, music, dog???? I get food, we eat food. Music is also a life blood of wel being for most people. Dog? Not sure about that.

yes, well there is a theory that microsoft actually IS the world ... dog is uh, intersting, i agree. i think it has something to do with "dog + other word/s on list". (ie: dirty ! dirty ! ewwwww !) hehe


damn, I must be missing your GOOD blogs! lol

hmmm. maybe dharma has 'private' articles we don't know about ?

vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 13, 2004
Mig - It was "dog + other word on the list" that I was referring to when I mentioned your Google referrals. There are some that are even more odd, actually... You get the dogs, greywar gets pedophilia, dharma has skinny girls with large chests and cheating air force wives... I just checked, and I seem to not have staked a claim to any fetish areas yet. Maybe that will inspire an article from me.
At the very least, I'm going back through yours to read the relevant articles.
on Aug 13, 2004
Ha! I'm so sweet and innocent. Mine says "Hawaiian Geckos"!
on Aug 13, 2004

i think it has something to do with "dog + other word/s on list

if miguna wasnt such a successful dog perv magnetess, i might not have noticed her work as quickly as i did.  (hmmm that dont sound right does it?)  i mean if it hadnt been for her article about those bizarre and totally undeserved referrals i might not have etc. etc. "

my referrals are terribly boring, silly or both altho the largest number point to an article (featuring a 9 min video) about the new lotus exige evading an apache helicopter that appeared to go totally unnoticed here.  i guess that stuff about prophets going unappreciated in their own land must have some basis.

on Aug 13, 2004
I got a referral for 'eat mens balls' Interesting...

No porn has ever been looked up on my computer as it is my sister's work laptop and is always linked up to the network! So I'm missing out on the vast majority of the words from this list. Somehow I don't feel like I'm missing out, however...
on Aug 13, 2004
Mig - It was "dog + other word on the list" that I was referring to when I mentioned your Google referrals. There are some that are even more odd, actually... You get the dogs, greywar gets pedophilia, dharma has skinny girls with large chests and cheating air force wives... I just checked, and I seem to not have staked a claim to any fetish areas yet. Maybe that will inspire an article from me.

hmmmm, pseudosoldier ... what is left for you after all that ?

At the very least, I'm going back through yours to read the relevant articles.

you know what is was that did that, pseudosoldier ?. it was this article i worte ages ago about my hubby's dog. the dog has an indeterminate breed that i described as the result of 'decades of indiscriminate dog sex'. that article has 'dogged' me ever since (pardon the pun )

Ha! I'm so sweet and innocent. Mine says "Hawaiian Geckos"!

they will find you, texas wahine. just give them time

if miguna wasnt such a successful dog perv magnetess, i might not have noticed her work as quickly as i did. (hmmm that dont sound right does it?)

maybe not, but i like it anyway !

i mean if it hadnt been for her article about those bizarre and totally undeserved referrals i might not have etc. etc.

well, i am finally glad i wrote it . thankyou king

my referrals are terribly boring, silly or both altho the largest number point to an article (featuring a 9 min video) about the new lotus exige evading an apache helicopter that appeared to go totally unnoticed here. i guess that stuff about prophets going unappreciated in their own land must have some basis.

it's not that you're boring kingbee. you're just not blessed with a talent for saying the wrong thing like i am !

I got a referral for 'eat mens balls' Interesting...

suz ! heeee heeee !. that's the best one i've ever heard. i'm so proud of you !

No porn has ever been looked up on my computer as it is my sister's work laptop and is always linked up to the network! So I'm missing out on the vast majority of the words from this list. Somehow I don't feel like I'm missing out, however...

suz, i get the feeling you may be right, there

vanessa/mig XX
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