... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
Published on August 13, 2004 By mignuna In Blogging

i recently grew a tomato plant for the first time. it was about 8 inches high when my mum last visited. it was absolutely flourishing in a combination of dark soil and duck poo. (i save my food scraps for a neighbours' duck and he, you know, obliges, with the fertiliser).

upon spotting said tomato plant, my visiting mother asked me what type of plant it was. "it's a tomato plant" i told her. and she laughed !. and then she said "i wasn't born yesterday, you know".

now, i'm fully aware that the phrase "it's a tomato plant, mum" has long been uttered by teens the world over to cover up for a stinky budding marijuana plant, but this plant actually really was a tomato !.

"mum" i told her, utterly serious "it really is a tomato plant". she looked at me "it's a marijuana plant" she said. "mum !" (i was laughing by then) "i promise you, it's tomato plant. look closer at it". so she does, and then her mobile rings, and i hear her tell my stepfather "vanessa grows pot in duck shit !".

so i yell, loud enough for him to hear down the phone "IT REALLY IS A TOMATO PLANT" ... and he laughs and replies to my mother "don't tell me she STILL says that ?".

ugh. damned plant had better produce a tomato before she comes back again or i may never live this down.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Nov 24, 2004

hehe thanks, stevendedalus. they're not bad, although we do seem to have a bit of a 'role reversal' thing going on !

dharma, i only noticed these comments because i'm in here 'spam cleaning'. (i know i said i was going to try and ignore it, but it's driving me demented ... i feel so violated). so, at least i found them, even if it was for an icky reason

dynamaso, that's so funny !. imagine if his father had burned the dried garden clippings as some folks do - the whole street would have been wasted ! bwaaa haaaaa !

citahellion, it died !. i can't believe it !. a hanging plant in a basket fell on it during a recent storm and it was just mashed. i'm so scared of what my parents will say when they visit at xmas that i'm going to buy an advanced tomato plant the day before they arrive and try and 'wing it' hehe.

mig XXXX


on Nov 24, 2004
I was just thinking about this thread last night and I forgot about it until I saw it bumped
on Nov 24, 2004
I think you should offer your folks a "tomato joint" if they still don't believe you, mig.
on Nov 25, 2004
! Smoke a bowl of tomato!
on Nov 25, 2004

i'm glad you were thinking about my article, historyishere. i'm pleased you came back to see the 'spam-free' version , too. i know this looked like a bump, but it wasn't. i'm usually a few days behind on my comments these days, i tend to have to leave my new articles a few days while i clean the spam out of the old ones (i deleted 32 of 'its' comments yesterday, and by then i was too tired to bother writing a blog !).

citahellion, do you think the sun-dried variety would work best ... easier to roll ?

XX, i wonder what the effect would be ?... imagine ... tomato tastes so yucky if it gets burned, too, all sour-like. hehe

mig XXX

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