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mignuna the australian alien girl
... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
i can't #$%&! sleep !!!
... an antipodean rant
Published on August 17, 2004 By
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hello fellow ju bloggers who are presently going about your daily business. i just thought i would take a moment to inform you that
i cannot sleep.
aaaaaaaaaaarrrghhhhhh. it's driving me demented. i'm so tired i could cry. it's 3.45am. nothing in my suburb (including my husband) has moved for the past 5 hours.
these country people, are creepy, dammit, with their whole early to bed early to rise palaver. the whole village is out like a light by 10.30pm. it's
. they're all so
. at least in the city i had some lone twinking lights, or the perennially-insomniac marco to turn to.
here i have a frog. a rather large, loud, busy and frankly bloody annoying frog who says 'reebit' through the bathroom wall vent as soon as i have forgotten he is there. i also have a flatulent dog determined to keep me company. brilliant. my life is so exciting i can hardly stand it.
you'd think i'd at least have bored myself to sleep by now wouldn't you ?. no such luck. and despite the fact that i have been awake for what feels like about a week, i am not even remotely tired. i am in fact now even further stupidly and uselessly inspired to go and look up the guinness world record for staying awake.
hey, maybe i've got a chance, right ?.
ew. life on planet miggy. a nice place for a holiday, but you'd never buy a house there
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Comments (Page 2)
2 Pages
on Aug 17, 2004
Aww poor mig.
Insomnia sucks. Good thinking time though. There's often a matrix like point where you suddenly grasp the answers to all those big questions philosophers cant handle. May I suggest a nightcap in future?
It's so weird thinking that here it is only 10pm and all the way in Australia it's tomorrow..bizarre.
Sleep soon honey!!
Dyl xx
on Aug 17, 2004
Hey Mig! U really were awake so you could be watching the olympics? right? or maybe you were awake cause its been so shocking to you that howard is a liar? right? Dont you just love those frogs!
on Aug 17, 2004
yay chip !. and then i can pass out on the floor wake up in the morning with 'the zacclies' (you know, when your mouth tastes almost 'ex-zachlie' like you think your butt would !).
I know ex-zachlie what you're talking about. I've been there, too. I have had many mornings like that and I have quite a few (of what I like to call) 'apparently' stories after nights like that. You know, the stories that start with 'Apparently last night, I....'
on Aug 17, 2004
Good thinking time though. There's often a matrix like point where you suddenly grasp the answers to all those big questions philosophers cant handle
true, dyl. although all i seem to be grasping is how to write silly blogs that will embarrass me in the morning hehe
It's so weird thinking that here it is only 10pm and all the way in Australia it's tomorrow..bizarre
yes. the world is round after all, dammit. it's so inconvenient !. thanks, dyl *smooch*
Hey Mig! U really were awake so you could be watching the olympics? right? or maybe you were awake cause its been so shocking to you that howard is a liar? right? Dont you just love those frogs!
phoenix, it's like you're reading my mind ! ... i am disturbed greatly by the olympics (ugh. all those well-adjusted, sporty, smiley, people dashing about in next to no clothing. ick. makes me feel like force feeding them pizza), john howard, and the frog. you even had them in the right order tee hee !!!
I know ex-zachlie what you're talking about. I've been there, too
*falls off chair laughing* oh, chip, that cracked me up
I have had many mornings like that and I have quite a few (of what I like to call) 'apparently' stories after nights like that. You know, the stories that start with 'Apparently last night, I....'
yes, chip, apparently last night i wrote a very dumb blog called 'never mind the bollocks' bwwwaaa haaaaa !
vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 17, 2004
maybe if i read the phone book ?
Ha! I've actually did that before and it works too!
on Aug 17, 2004
Ha! I've actually did that before and it works too!
cb, i sat here until 6am you know !!!!
next time, i will read the phone book. anything but a night like that !
vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 17, 2004
insomnia is definately the pits, even more so I think, when you
why you can't sleep. Like taking the pain medication with all the caffeine in it before bed instead of something else. And of course, knowing you have to be up early in the morning for something you're dreading anyway!
on Aug 18, 2004
insomnia is definately the pits, even more so I think, when you know why you can't sleep.
i just had no clue, ladycleve. it was awful !. thanks for your sympathy
And of course, knowing you have to be up early in the morning for something you're dreading anyway!
that was the most bizarre part !. i had a free day, nothing to worry about, just came out of nowhere
thanks for your comment
vanessa/mig XX
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Andy Corson
on Nov 06, 2004
When I was in school I had a mild case of insomnia, but I also found it to be the most creative period of my life so far. I used to write poetry every day, and I think this had to do with the fact that I could not shut my mind off, which is why I couldn't sleep very easily. Now that I am working I sleep like a baby because I have trained my brain to just shut off, but, of course, this is all at the expense of my creativity. I haven't written in a while and I feel completely drained of one single creative thought. Maybe you should start writing a story or poetry when you can't sleep.
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