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mignuna the australian alien girl
... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
i can't #$%&! sleep !!!
... an antipodean rant
Published on August 17, 2004 By
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hello fellow ju bloggers who are presently going about your daily business. i just thought i would take a moment to inform you that
i cannot sleep.
aaaaaaaaaaarrrghhhhhh. it's driving me demented. i'm so tired i could cry. it's 3.45am. nothing in my suburb (including my husband) has moved for the past 5 hours.
these country people, are creepy, dammit, with their whole early to bed early to rise palaver. the whole village is out like a light by 10.30pm. it's
. they're all so
. at least in the city i had some lone twinking lights, or the perennially-insomniac marco to turn to.
here i have a frog. a rather large, loud, busy and frankly bloody annoying frog who says 'reebit' through the bathroom wall vent as soon as i have forgotten he is there. i also have a flatulent dog determined to keep me company. brilliant. my life is so exciting i can hardly stand it.
you'd think i'd at least have bored myself to sleep by now wouldn't you ?. no such luck. and despite the fact that i have been awake for what feels like about a week, i am not even remotely tired. i am in fact now even further stupidly and uselessly inspired to go and look up the guinness world record for staying awake.
hey, maybe i've got a chance, right ?.
ew. life on planet miggy. a nice place for a holiday, but you'd never buy a house there
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Comments (Page 1)
2 Pages
on Aug 17, 2004
An important rule for sleeping properly is, if you've lain in bed for 30 minutes or more, have not fallen asleep, and don't feel like you're about to, get up. Do something different. Preferably something relaxing or relatively mindless. Like watching TV. (no channel-surfing, either; that'll keep you awake.) If you don't fall asleep in the middle of your new "activity", you should at least start feeling sleepy again and can then head back to bed.
Of course, earplugs or a shotgun may also be warranted in order to deal with that frog.
on Aug 17, 2004
An important rule for sleeping properly is, if you've lain in bed for 30 minutes or more, have not fallen asleep, and don't feel like you're about to, get up.
i had to, citahellion. my husband was going "will you please STOP that" lol
Do something different. Preferably something relaxing or relatively mindless
not like blogging lol
If you don't fall asleep in the middle of your new "activity", you should at least start feeling sleepy again and can then head back to bed
i don't think i'll ever feel sleepy again, citahellion. but i will try your advice.
Of course, earplugs or a shotgun may also be warranted in order to deal with that frog.
he's usually much quieter than that, but i had a warm bath to try and sleep and he lives under the bathroom and got rained on, i guess !
trying again
vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 17, 2004
Aww poor Mig.....Want me to fly over and teach that frog a lesson for ya?
on Aug 17, 2004
Yeah, I have some of those nights. I won't be able to go to sleep so I just simply get on here and do whatever. Usually around 3 or so I get bored of the internet and find myself a sleep in no time. I really don't know what to do to help ya Miggy. I'm sure you'll get tired soon enough.
on Aug 17, 2004
Aww poor Mig.....Want me to fly over and teach that frog a lesson for ya?
yes, brian, yes ! get the fri
i mean frog for me, would you ?
Usually around 3 or so I get bored of the internet and find myself a sleep in no time.
this usually works for me too, cb
I really don't know what to do to help ya Miggy. I'm sure you'll get tired soon enough.
maybe if i read the phone book ?
vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 17, 2004
Damn insomnia! My old flatmate had the same problem. The poor thing took to pacing in the hallway or knitting which seemed to do nothing to alleviate her boredom or soothe her aching limbs. The poor pet was always dreaming about sleep (day dreaming that is) but rarely was visited by the sandman. I really feel for you.
Maybe you can help me out with a problem. I'm about to post a question on my blog and would love your amazing powers of wisdom to guide me.
Suz xxx
on Aug 17, 2004
Have you tried a glass of wine? Works better than a glass of warm milk and if the first glass doesn't work, somewhere around the second bottle, you won't care that you're not sleeping anymore...
on Aug 17, 2004
The poor pet was always dreaming about sleep (day dreaming that is) but rarely was visited by the sandman. I really feel for you.
*whimpers* thankyou, suz
Maybe you can help me out with a problem. I'm about to post a question on my blog and would love your amazing powers of wisdom to guide me
i would relish the challenge, chickie, thankyou for asking
somewhere around the second bottle, you won't care that you're not sleeping anymore...
yay chip !. and then i can pass out on the floor wake up in the morning with 'the zacclies' (you know, when your mouth tastes almost 'ex-zachlie' like you think your butt would !). bwaaa haaaa. see ? imsane from insomnia. i will read that later today and go 'ohhhhh noooo'
vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 17, 2004
Hmm....I have that problem too sometimes....may I suggest you watch something on TV that you really wanted to see....because I usually fall asleep when I stay up to watch a good show....UGH...damn selective insomnia.....
on Aug 17, 2004
may I suggest you watch something on TV that you really wanted to see....because I usually fall asleep when I stay up to watch a good show....UGH...damn selective insomnia.....
zoo, you're exactly right. if only we didn't have only 5 channels (2 of them local and not even ON lol). oh the country life !
vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 17, 2004
Hey mig,
I'm answering your comment over here as I think the person who is involved in the whole debacle reads my blog. Hmph. Sorry to take up your comment space with my petty griping!
I don't think that advice is useless, I think that we're useless at taking advice. I would love to follow my heart, but it's trying to head in two different directions right now - self protection vs what it really wants. As such I kind of stand at the fork, stubbing my toe in the dirt, looking slightly lost and desolate.
Basically it has to do with a boy (doesn't it always) who I
in my heart of hearts has feelings for me. However he claims not to. I have fallen for him so badly. I tried not to, but now, after 9 months of telling myself I haven't it has become apparent that I have. I spoke to him about this ages ago and he said that he didn't have 'those feelings' for me, yet shows me that he does in a million other ways. I know that this may sound naive, but I am not looking for something that is not there - I can feel it.
So basically every time I see him as 'friends' I feel my little heart ripped out because he apparently doesn't reciprocate my feelings. I do love him as a friend as well, which is why it is going to be so hard to leave it all behind. He has been amazingly good to me since I've moved here, and he is the one person that I feel I have really vibed with. So by getting rid of him, I am losing a great, amazing friend as well. But by keeping him around I am perpetually miserable.
Urgh. I am such a whiny brat. Sorry! Thanks for listening. I hope you get some sleep soon!
Suz xxx
on Aug 17, 2004
you're not whiny at all, i think you're lovely
I think the person who is involved in the whole debacle reads my blog
oh, dear. i see now why you were so vague !. tell you what, it's 6am now, and i'm finally tired ! yay !. meet you back here in a few hours, suz, and we'll get into this !
be happy, my friend
vanessa/mig XX
on Aug 17, 2004
what fresh hell is
birds ! ugh ! hundreds of loud birds !
tired mig XX
on Aug 17, 2004
birds ! ugh ! hundreds of loud birds !
The worst. This is the absolute worst. You know they're singing because they've had a nice night of sleep and they're now all chipper and ready for the day. It's sad that as you hear them you're only ready for them to be put through a chipper. Poor you
meet you back here in a few hours, suz, and we'll get into this !
That would be wonderful. I am seeing him tomorrow night and working up the courage to tell him that I won't be seeing him anymore. It will come as quite a shock to him, I know, so I feel bad for having to do it. And all this after he offered to have me and my nephew stay with him for a week while my sister's in Vermont so he could help me look after the little tacker. See what I mean about the nice things he does for me? Although playing house with him for a week is enough to scare even me!
Sleep tight. Thanks for listening!
Suz xxx
on Aug 17, 2004
Sleep tight. Thanks for listening!
. night
mig XXX
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