... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
... the first internet, interactive, virtual girlfriend is here ... and boy is she bossy !
Published on August 24, 2004 By mignuna In Personal Relationships

Artificial Life, Inc. is a software company pioneering in artificial intelligence. Formed in Boston in 1993, the companies' Hong Kong based global headquarters has recently announced perhaps it's most ambitious 'invention' yet - the virtual girlfriend.

Following success with interactive mobile games and internet-based 'e-learning', Artificial Life formally introduced the long-joked-about 'virtual partner' as a way of allowing those who were happily single to enjoy the 'emotional advantages' of a relationship, without the hassle of needing to involve an actual 'human' female.

Invoked via a photo-screen cell phone image, the virtual girlfriend is packed with 'features' that guarantee the busy man interaction with a 'woman', whilst still remaining free from the need to face any of the unpleasant consequences normally associated with 'switching off' during a relationship.

Far from being the ludicrous idea that it first appears, it would seem that internet consumers the world over simply cannot get enough of the idea, with such a positive response being received that Artificial Life already have plans in the works to produce a male equivalent, the 'virtual boyfriend'.

With the 'virtual girlfriend' herself being a curiously demanding and high maintenance creature, the trend has already been likened to the 90's 'Tamagotchi' craze, where mechanical 'pets' were sold that required large amounts of time and attention just to keep them 'alive'.

So, with requests for 'diamonds', gifts and unending praise, the virtual girlfriend may soon see herself 'gone the way of the Tamagotchi' via the man who 'ordered' her growing tired of her demands and simply letting her battery run out.

As for the 'virtual boyfriend' plan, well, do they have toilet seats in cyberspace ?. Because if they do, they'll be wanting to take that issue into account before they think they've hit on any 'virtual man' prototype that I'd consider taking home.

Go get your dream girl here: Link

on Aug 24, 2004
OMG.....just when I think we can't sink any lower! Okay, when we were kids we had imaginary friends that we created for ourselves. Now we've grown up and are too mature for that, so we'll have someone else make up the friend for us???

Maybe I'm reading it the wrong way, but that's how it strikes me...
on Aug 24, 2004

hmmmmmm  i just checked the their site out and maybe im old-fashioned or just too loyal or something, but to be very candid...i much prefer my former artificial girlfriend (altho i dont guess this one is as vulnerable to sharp objects).

it was so horrible.  she was sitting next to me. it was just another day. it was 437 and, just like every other weekday afternoon, we were engrossed in dr phil (she was always so moved by his homey, down-to-earth practical advice) suddenly i heard hissing.  before i could react, she was jetting around the room, faster and faster, shrinking to a mere shadow of her former self as her invisible essence literally bled into the ether. 

the really tragic moment was when--with a final gasp--she passed between my grasping hands and out an open window, hovering...suspended for a heartbeat...and then sank before my eyes. worst of all, i had to watch while she barely missed the dumpster's yawning maw.  im left with these haunting memories...able to take only some small measure of consolation from the fact that, at the end, she was as down to earth as her favorite tv shrink's sage admonitions.

on Aug 24, 2004
ROFL....kingbee, you are priceless!!!
on Aug 24, 2004
Now we've grown up and are too mature for that, so we'll have someone else make up the friend for us???

i agree, ladycleave. and i love your way of putting it !

suddenly i heard hissing. before i could react, she was jetting around the room, faster and faster, shrinking to a mere shadow of her former self as her invisible essence literally bled into the ether.

i have missed you, kingbee !. nobody makes me laugh like you can

im left with these haunting memories...able to take only some small measure of consolation from the fact that, at the end, she was as down to earth as her favorite tv shrink's sage admonitions

this comment should be a blog. you are too clever and funny for words. i laughed so hard i almost peed !

ROFL....kingbee, you are priceless!!!

i second that, ladycleave !

vanessa/mig XX
on Mar 31, 2005
I have to ask: who wants a virtual girlfriend? Really? From what I've read, she asks for expensive gifts and requires constant attention. I think there are less clingy girls out there in the real world.

(Okay, I got caught up in the Tamagotchi craze, but this is a step into the insane that even I haven't achieved)
on Mar 31, 2005
Virtual girlfriend? I thought guys were all for sex nothing for the 'emotional advantages'?

Anyway, we're gonna become instinct if we all go for virtual relationships, lol!