... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...

I am horrified to admit, gentle reader, that, last night, while I was supposed to be posting the "Friday Five", I was actually at the Plantation Hotel watching my friends' band and behaving in a rather undignified manner !.

I should explain that I avoid alcohol for two main reasons. One being that it tends to, err, intensify my personality. (ie: I begin to say even more things that I should only think), and the other being that drinking just does not seem to agree with my body. Alcohol goes straight to my head and stays there.

Needless to say, I didn't actually drink very much. (I don't have to. I am what is colloqially known as a "toucan" (two cans and she's a loud bird). But this did not stop me becoming merry enough to come home and compose a "Friday Five" quite unlike any other I have produced.

To complicate matters, I also made my drunk friends think of a rude question to ask a stranger, and I added the worst ones to the Friday Five list.

Unhappily, I fell asleep drooling in the keyboard before I could post the resultant, ahem, interesting questions. And now, here I am, at 1pm on Saturday afternoon, deliberating posting the questions I ask when the filters are off.

So, after some careful thought, (and a lot of spelling corrections) here is the first (and last) ever drunken Friday Five. Don't tell my Mum.

1/ Do you have a fetish ? What is it, and do you know how it came about ? (question by Mig)

2/ Do women really think size matters ? (question by Derek)

3/ Why do I keep getting those little packet things in my mailbox that say 'To The Resident' and turn out to be for 'secret womens' business' ? (question by Stu)

4/ What is your opinion on circumcision ? (question by Derek)

5/ Do you think monogamy is natural and/or healthy state for humans ? (question by Mig)

Oh, the horror of 'morning-face'

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 13, 2004


gideon on 'does size matter':
I think it depends on the size of the woman

olikara on 'do you have a fetish':
Debonair( Indian equivalent of Playboy) Centrespreads. It's because of my Hormones

texas wahine on monogamy:
I don't think it's neccessarily natural, but I do think it's a good thing. It's a choice that we make, and I don't think fidelity is always an easy thing. To me anyways, it's worth the effort.

jay on 'does size matter' :
Many are happy with just a regulation-sized sausage

ps: oh jay, i love it when you say 'sausage' like that ! *swoons*

joey on stu's 'mystery mailbox packages':
3- Maybe you should tell us? What are you hiding?

angloesque on circumcision:
I wanted to know what uncircumcision looks like. Now I know

ps: thankyou for that pic !. it's too, too funny !

dylan on 'do you have a fetish':
I don't think its a fetish as such, but I do have a thing for chunky men (thats chunky not fat) and men with weird noses.

ps: dyl, i do too. i can't believe you, treasure !. i adore solid men. not muscular, i just like a bit of a gut and something to grab onto hehe ! and i adore unusual facial features, especially weird noses. who is that guy that was in the royal tenembaums with the blonde hair and the crooked nose ? oh yummmmmmmm

my scabbed wings on 'do you have a fetish':
yeah, thigh hi stockings and uniforms, not together.

ps: that is damn sexy, sister !!!

nic on 'does size matter':
about 4 years ago I would have said no, but now I've changed my mind.

ps: nic !!!!. you can't leave me hanging like that !!!!. more info ! *begs*

citahellion on stu's mystery mailbox packets:
fe-mail? Probably because you got put on a fetish mailing list by a woman who was not impressed by the size of your uncircumsized penis and wanted revenge after discovering you were going to dump her for another girl.

ps: citahellion, i can't help myself. i tried. but i have to say this. you're amazing !. i look forward to your comments with guilt tinged pleasure !. if you ever stop reading my blog i'll be crushed like a bug ! hehe.

vanessa/mig XX
on Sep 14, 2004
Thankyou Vanessa- I thought I was the only one!!I love guys with a little beergut..hehe.

The guy in the royal tenanbaums (who plays Eli I think...) is Owen Wilson ...And .I second that Yummm!!

Dyl xx
on Sep 14, 2004
Thankyou Vanessa- I thought I was the only one!!I love guys with a little beergut..hehe.

oh no, dyl, i too have a taste for 'the tactility of the beergut' ! ugh ! sounds like a bad self help book

The guy in the royal tenanbaums (who plays Eli I think...) is Owen Wilson ...And .I second that Yummm!!

yessss, that's the guy. blondes are not usually my thing, but oh, mama !

mig XX
on Sep 16, 2004
I've been away from the computer and am very late, but I had to say something.

1/ Do you have a fetish ? What is it, and do you know how it came about ? (question by Mig)
Yes. more of an overall obsession, though. sharing would be entirely too revealing....

2/ Do women really think size matters ? (question by Derek)
I'm trying to find a story from a creative writing class I was in that addresses this issue. it was about a group of men known as the cillahporcim (read backwards).

3/ Why do I keep getting those little packet things in my mailbox that say 'To The Resident' and turn out to be for 'secret womens' business' ? (question by Stu)
good question....I get the impression that a little background info would make it understandable

4/ What is your opinion on circumcision ? (question by Derek)
pretty happy with the results, only seen pics of un

5/ Do you think monogamy is natural and/or healthy state for humans ? (question by Mig)
healthy physically and emotionally, yes. natural? it wouldn't be so difficult if it was natural
on Sep 16, 2004

1/ Do you have a fetish ? What is it, and do you know how it came about ? (question by Mig)

Umm...yeah.  Bellies.  dudes bellies.  more specifically, the area under the belly button where the 'treasure trail' starts.  I'm an absolute sucker for that.  Doesn't even have to be a particularly toned belly either...but I don't like treasure trails that slap against the thighs of the owners.
2/ Do women really think size matters ? (question by Derek)

Yes. size does matter.  i don't care what bullshit you've been fed in order to soften the blow - all the crap about the motion of the ocean, not the size of the wave is just to make those who are inadequate feel better about themselves.  If I can't feel what you have, you're not going to do anything for me.  On the other end of the scale, a monster tally-whacker is enough to make a girl put on her pants and run away screaming.  Too big is not a good thing either, because it hurts.

3/ Why do I keep getting those little packet things in my mailbox that say 'To The Resident' and turn out to be for 'secret womens' business' ? (question by Stu)

I have no idea, but I get them too.

4/ What is your opinion on circumcision ? (question by Derek)

Having been raised in England, where circumcision is not the norm, but having lived for a while in the US where it is...I've experienced both cut and uncut willies.  I have to say that I prefer cut.  There seems to be less of an issue with smegma, and I personally think that it just looks nicer.  That's just my preference, though.

5/ Do you think monogamy is natural and/or healthy state for humans ? (question by Mig)

Ooh, good one.  Ummm...healthy, yes.  Especially when there are so many diseases lurking around...things that can kill you.  Natural?  I don't know.  On the one hand yes, because humans pair bond and monogamy is a natural offshoot of that.  On the other hand, primitive man had a need to spread his seed...primitive woman had a need to get the best sperm she could - survival of the fittest and all that.  These days though, I'd have to say that yes, monogamy is both natural and healthy.

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