... oh, i'm the nice and easy girl ! ;)
I had reason to attend the local hardware store today on behalf of my husband. My mission was to purchase gardening tools to begin the assault on the terrifying quagmire we like to refer to as our 'garden'.
I had been having a most enjoyable time conversing with a nice saleslady who had assisted me in all manner of plant choices with seemingly endless patience, when I asked after some equipment that was 'out of her department'. (I hate it when that happens !).
I was subsequently passed on to a young fellow who may have actually been the 'missing link'.
After some discussion of my requirements, (during which it became clear that this 17yo housebrick-with-eyes was a rampantly condescending, blatantly sexist tosser), I was forced to utter the words "I need to buy a hoe".
I have never said that before. I never want to say it again. I wasn't even thinking. It just came out. Up until a few years ago, the word 'hoe' actually did mean a garden implement. Now it means something else altogether. Something one really should hesitate to request of anybody aged under 25 !.
He smiled. I toyed between feigning pop-culture ingorance or laughing at myself. I chose the former. It worked. Undaunted by amused questions about 'hoe size' and 'post width', I did get my hoe, and a very nice one it is at that.
Dignity intact and all.