... and i don't even care !!!
On my recent birthday, I had nothing on. Three days after my birthday was our wedding anniversary, and I had nothing on then, either. No, I wasn't naked. I just really like having nothing on. I enjoy the freedom it allows me. I would have nothing on every day if I could.
People hate this. On your birthday, and other such occasions, it is pre-requisite of having humans as family members that you must have a fuss. If you fail to create said fuss yourself, one will doubtless be created on your behalf, for which you are expected to be grateful. I, on the whole, dislike fuss, particularly if I am the cause of it.
My birthday makes me want to crawl in a hole and hide. People have such a desire to make everything bigger than it is, and this clashes quite horribly with my nature. Of my birthday 'parties' that I can recall, all concluded the same way: with a highly-strung and usually tearful me retiring to my bedroom leaving confused partygoers staring after me.
Crowds and noise are things I take pains to avoid. Why on earth people assume I'd want to mark my birthday with either or both astounds me. The obligation of the birthday gathering has caused more fights and created more rifts than nearly any other event in my life.
As a 35 year old woman, I am officially declaring the rest of my life a 'birthday party for Vanessa' free zone.
... I'll still come to yours, though