If you are of marriageable age, chances are you will eventually get accosted by ‘well-meaning’ relatives loudly enquiring as to when you will finally get off the shelf and bag yourself a spouse ‘whilst you still have a chance’.
I married at age 30 after fending off the above rude question for about a decade. Hence, I became rather adept at incorporating insults into my answers to said question. I have collected these responses over the years from various sources, and now present them for your pedantic pleasure.
10/ Well, I was hoping to still do something meaningful with my life.
9/ Because I just love hearing this question !.
8/ I’m just lucky, I guess.
7/ I'm waiting until I get to be your age.
6/ I really want to, but my lovers' spouse just won't go for it.
5/ Why aren't you more polite ?.
4/ I already have enough laundry to do.
3/ I think it may have something to do with this rash.
2/ My dog just didn't take to the last person I dated.
... and, the number one answer to the question "Why aren't you married yet ?" ...
1/ I'm against this whole trend towards 'user-pays' systems as a rule.