... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
Published on October 13, 2004 By mignuna In Humor


If you are of marriageable age, chances are you will eventually get accosted by ‘well-meaning’ relatives loudly enquiring as to when you will finally get off the shelf and bag yourself a spouse ‘whilst you still have a chance’.

I married at age 30 after fending off the above rude question for about a decade. Hence, I became rather adept at incorporating insults into my answers to said question. I have collected these responses over the years from various sources, and now present them for your pedantic pleasure.


10/        Well, I was hoping to still do something meaningful with my life.

9/          Because I just love hearing this question !.

8/          I’m just lucky, I guess.

7/          I'm waiting until I get to be your age.

6/          I really want to, but my lovers' spouse just won't go for it.

5/          Why aren't you more polite ?.

4/          I already have enough laundry to do.

3/          I think it may have something to do with this rash.

2/          My dog just didn't take to the last person I dated.

... and, the number one answer to the question "Why aren't you married yet ?" ...

1/         I'm against this whole trend towards 'user-pays' systems as a rule.


Comments (Page 2)
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on Oct 14, 2004
you guys are the best !. sorry i haven't been around . i'm so glad to have given you all some ammunition to answer the rude questions with. thanks so much for the comments.

together, we shall all wipe out the rude question sof the world !!!.

"next' topic: what to say when people ask "why aren't you pregnant yet ?"

vanessa/mig XXX
on Oct 14, 2004
My favorite one has always been...

I'll get married someday...But not TODAY!

It's worked for me so far...lol
on Oct 15, 2004

I'll get married someday...But not TODAY!

they will catch up with even you, silky, in the end ! you cannot hide !

mig XXX

on Nov 04, 2004
Mig--I got this in an email today and had to find this article to post it...it's hilarious, and I might just try it...

Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poking me in the ribs and cackling, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals.
on Nov 04, 2004
Once you DO get married, then the question becomes: "When you gonna have babies?"

Dang it, why can't y'all be SATISFIED!!!

Cheers, mignuna!
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