Now, I'm not inferring that Australians themselves are dumb. (Seeing as I am one, that would be, well, dumb of me). Yet, despite my 'love of country', I am not unaware that Australian politics has a worldwide reputation for being a little, well, different.
A quick search through the holders of Australias’ major political posts reveals why:
John Howard
Prime Minister (1996 - present)
Nickname: ‘The bonsai’ (meaning the ‘little Bush’), 'John Coward', 'the Muppet'
Famous for: Mumbling; using Australian ‘slang’ in his addresses
Quote: "You tree hugger you"; "This election, ladies and gentlemen, will be about trust"
Robert (Bob) Hawke
Prime Minister (1983-1991)
Nickname: ‘The Prime Mincer', ‘Bobs’ your uncle’ (which is Australian slang for ‘everything will be fine’)
Famous for: Crying in public; leaving his wife for his bimbo biographer
Quote: “Don’t change horses in mid-stream”; “The world is more like it is now than it has ever been before"
Paul Keating
Prime Minister (1991-1996)
Nickname: ‘Clark Keating’
Famous for: Swearing in Parliament; groping the Queen
Quote: “This is an example of the new fascism”; "You’re a bloody nong, you are !”
Harold Holt
Prime Minister (1966-67)
Nickname: None. But has (posthumously) inspired the phrase “to do the Harold Holt” (ie: ‘to do the bolt’, to disappear)
Famous for: Walking into the waves at a Sydney beach and disappearing for good, presumed drowned
Quote: None. But Australia named a swimming centre in his honour. (Yes, I’m serious)
John Gorton
Prime Minister (1968-1971)
Nickname: ‘Honest John’
Famous for: Being the only Prime Minister ever to vote himself out
Quote: "I don't like anyone putting their arm around me. And some are worse than others"
Pauline Hanson
Leader of the ‘One Nation’ party, (and the seat of Oxley)
Nickname: ‘The Oxley Moron’; ‘Pauline Pantsdown’
Famous for: Owning a fish and chip shop
Quote: “I don’t like it”; “I will be called racist but, if I can invite whom I want into my home, then I should have the right to have a say in who comes into my country''