My comments on the blogs that I have deleted the spam on look so funny that I fear I may to consider leaving a replacement comment there or some such thing. I can’t help but wonder what future readers may think upon encountering such ‘spam-edited’ comments long after the spammer itself is a bad memory.
Consider the perfectly pleasant exchange being conducted on my comments which was rudely interrupted by the spammer. The next person to visit was infuriated at the stupid spammer being there again, and began to abuse ‘it’. I then deleted the spam, thus resulting in a comment order much like this:
Comment #1: ‘I really liked this, thankyou’
Comment #2: ‘This was just what I was thinking of the other day. Good stuff !'
Comment#3: ‘I can see your point. I utterly agree’
Comment#4: ‘Yes, I agree with comment 2, this was timely for me, thankyou’
Comment#5: ‘I always like these blogs of yours, mig’
Comment#6: ‘Geez, you’re a moron ! .... I ’m so sick of this crap. Would you just piss off already ?’
... As you can see, I may need to insert “spam deleted” comments before an argument breaks out