... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
(f i gave him the wool, would he make me one too ?)
Published on January 14, 2004 By mignuna In Personal Relationships
people who blame others for their emotional baggage annoy me. if i had a dollar for every person i've heard blame their vile behaviour some long-since-dead love, i'd be much more of a bitch than i am now. haha. but i digress ... i don't deny that it is possible, even desirable, to ponder "what went wrong" and adjust your behaviour or expectations accordingly. but is that possible when you're too close to have any objectivity ?.

using bad past experiences as an excuse to love a new person conditionally or incompletely is just asking for a repeat problem. and passive abuse of a new partner though making them feel insecure isn't very attractive either. ditto for nursing some type of sexual or emotional problem and expecting it to just be "accepted". fuck taking you as you are if you aren't even interested in being complete. i've seen too many good people sucked into the "(insert name here) - can't help her/his anger/aggression/infidelity. she/he had a bad experience in the past". so ?. now they want you to have one too ?

true mental or physical trauma at the hands of a loved one is an almost unimaginably sad thing, of which i am thankful to have escaped ... and it pisses me off when people trivialise it by acting as if voluntarily dating a jerk who can't keep it in his pants may scar them for life.
on Jan 16, 2004
you seem angry, possible past bad experiences seem to be driving your resolve. It is difficult to escape a long relationship but why even worry about a long relationship. Now what I am going to say might offend some anyways I propose that love should be like a lease. A lease on love...what I mean is that there should be a law that after 2 years or 3 years (depends on how long the lease is) it would be mandatory for a couple to sit down and sign another lease extending their relationship if one couple doesn't sign than no more relationship. For example I am dating a girl where we have a lease of 5 years if after 5 years one of us does not want to be in the relationship they don't sign and ta da no commitment if that person doesn't sign they have no obligation to you. Hence no divorce problems. If they want to have kids the have to sign an additional lease of 18 years atleast until the kid leaves home...respect
on Jan 16, 2004
psychx, thanks for your words. i'm actually happily married and wrote that based on the dick my friend is dating. lol. but i like your way of thinking. my hubby and i actually joke and say that we love each other so much, we should get divorced !!!!. (we are joking, but i'm sure you get my meaning . "v"