... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
i don't like "scowlers". maybe i have a bit too much to say for myself, but at least i have the nerve to actually SAY it.

don't you hate it when you say or do something and somebody makes THAT face ?. that face that says "i completely disapprove of what you just said/did, but i lack the conviction/courage to give voice to that. i will instead sit here with this disapproving look welded onto my countenence and make certain that you notice it".

so you try. you really do. you say: "what does that look mean ?" (even though you would bet the farm on them saying what they do next):

"what look ?"

"THAT look"

(at this point, if you have a particularly tenacious scowler, they will add eye-rolling to "the look", before saying "i don't know what you're talking about"). if not, skip the eye-rolling step and fast-forward into the full on argument that follows. it's always the same.

the only comfort seems to be that this lack of vocal confirmation of their facial expressions means that deep down they know their opinions suck. well, a girl can hope ...

on Feb 15, 2004
There are people like myself that hate argument worse than Japanese water torture. The sad thing is that some people seem to like to argue. The thing about the "look", the roll of the eyes(at least alot of time) is that arguements generally lead to people saying things that they regret later. One way to keep out of anymore trouble than is necessary is to keep your mouth shut, and let your expressions say what you feel. No one can really hold a "look " against you. They sure can hold what you say against you though.
There's an old saying "Be silent, and be thought a fool. Speak, and be known as one".
Just thoughts from an old fart(53) that likes their peace and quiet.
on Feb 15, 2004
well said, capt_turk. i am an old fart at 34. lol. i think it's good to avoid conflict where possible, too. i guess my point was more people who still want to be nasty, and to make it obvious, but don't have enough courage in their convictions to put it into words.

by the way ... did i mention that my eye-rolling, sighing, pursed-lipped, but "silent" mother-in-law has just visited. she could melt a glacier at 50 paces with her glare. hehe.
on Feb 15, 2004
I'm in total agreement with you. I HATE THAT!!!! My sister does it all the time. I've come to the point where I've decided I don't want any more relationships where people don't feel they can be honest with me, because it's hard enough for me as it is. Just thought I'd let you know I liked you article.

on Feb 16, 2004
trinitie ... lol ... your sister and my mother-in-law sound like they would get on well. i appreciate your comments. thanks. . mignuna.