... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
(not new) retitled so my mum can read it :)
Published on January 23, 2004 By mignuna In Personal Relationships

the blonde follows me into the bathroom.

pleading for her life.

i regard her dispassionately. i am decided.

i put the gloves on. her eyes widen in alarm

(it takes much longer than i expect and is very messy)

i am sobbing. scrubbing. rose tainted water. terrible stains.

but i hated her ... and now that she's dead i can breathe again

i am calm by the time my husband arrives

i do not greet him

i hug my secret

i hold my breath and wait

his voice is audibly shaky:

"what the hell HAPPENED in here ?... did you KILL someone or something?"

he follows the sound of my laughter up the stairs and regards his wife:

smiling. newly red-headed. answering "sorta...".

on Nov 12, 2004
I'm glad this got spammed, miggy. I loved it. Very creative.
on Nov 13, 2004

texas, thankyou so much !. i thought nobody ever read this, and it meant a lot to me, (despite it's tone !).

happy mig XXXXX