... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
the world is full of divorced parents who ruin their “first” family and then threaten the world record on disastrous attempts at making another one.

and whilst i have never been overly fond of the familial gathering, i like them even less now i don’t KNOW who i’m related to.

i have step-siblings. adopted siblings. half-siblings. i have some twice my age and some who are still at school. the only thing we have in common is that we have a shitty father.

as i grew up and each of their mothers departed my fathers’ life, i waved fond (or nor so fond) farewell to another 5-year-family and waited for the next one.

so i have a lot of photos of strangers and a lot of nonsensical memories. and for 25 years i did the dance on xmas, easter, fathers day, and birthdays ...

... but i stopped dancing last year and the world came to an end, just as my mother told me it would.

greetings from Heaven. where i don’t talk to my father anymore.

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