Is it just me, or is the world beginning to resemble a giant penis ?.
It seems everywhere I look these days, some new tribute to the male genitalia is being (pardon the pun) erected.
Just last week, a sculpture which had been commissioned for a park in my area was ‘unveiled’.
I had occasion to drive past said sculpture yesterday.
And it’s a giant penis.
The creators are calling it a ‘monument’, but I am not fooled for a second.
Folks can stand there ‘oohing’ and ‘aaahing’ as much as they want.
They can bang on about its being ‘solid’ or ‘powerful’ until the cows come home if they so desire.
They can even pretend it doesn’t remind them of a penis by attempting to say something totally unrelated to penises, like it has a lovely texture, and then realising that sounds like a penis after all and blushing.
It will still be nothing but a giant penis to me.
And it’s not the only one.
These insidious giant penises masquerading as ‘art’ or (even worse) ‘installations’ are spreading across Australia faster than you can say we need more female engineers in this country.
They must be stopped !.
In an attempt to swing the statue-balance a little further the way of the (apparently much less-popular as a tourist attraction) quasi-vagina, the ‘Giant Clam’ was some years ago constructed in rural New South Wales.
Interestingly, rather than stand there admiring the clam and pretending it in no way resembles a vagina, everyone who looked at it said the same thing: “Wow. That giant clam looks just like a huge vagina”.
This blatant sculpture-sexism must be addressed !.
Support gender-equality in your local community and build a giant vagina today !.
And I'd be willing to bet that nobody dares to ask you what it is.