According to Gustavo Arellano at the Orange County weekly, “For decades, the Catholic Diocese of Orange allowed child-raping priests to roam its parishes. For years, it covered up those crimes. For months, it stonewalled victims seeking justice”. “Now the second-largest Catholic diocese west of the Mississippi is on the cusp of achieving victory in its notorious sex-abuse scandal”. Arellano writes that “At press time, sources told the Weekly ...
‘Spiritualism’ is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. (Which is not very, well, spiritual , when you think about it). It seems that almost weekly a new band of devotees follow a celebrity (who invariably claims to have ‘found the answer’) into whatever is the ‘faith of the moment’. Spiritualism has not only become the new fashion, but somehow most of the so-called ‘new spiritualists’ have also failed to notice the irony in creating...