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mignuna the australian alien girl
... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
come fiddle with my riddle ?
Published on June 22, 2004 By
Just Hanging Out
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i have the strength of sixty men, i'm over ten feet tall
i'm footed, though i never move, it's said that i can fall
in grand ballrooms i can be seen holding up affairs
and i can bring the house down if i crack up near the stairs
what am i
if you know the solution to this riddle, please make me very happy by posting it
but if you do
post the answer,
you must post the next riddle
to be guessed by the next successful person, and so on.
or so i hope
course, the whole thing could get ignored, too. how embarrasing
would be. hehe. oh, well ... the risks one will take in order to achieve linguistic banter these days apparently know no bounds !!!. somebody guess, dammit
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Comments (Page 4)
16 Pages
on Jun 24, 2004
(Let me just say that Capt. and I agree that this blog is superb....just riddles and brainteasers, nice to keep the brain busy...for awhile...
on Jun 24, 2004
mig: No, you didn't get the bowling-ball/bridge puzzle. Nice try, though.
The standard answer is that he juggled the bowling balls, which would mean that only two were in his hands at any given time, thereby achieving the 200-pound restriction.
Of course that wouldn't actually work because the amount of energy you have to impart to the balls to juggle them would effectively make you weigh more than 200 again, but that's still the standard answer.
By the way, bowling balls bottom out (here in the US, anyway) at 8 pounds. Any lighter and they're not effective enough at knocking things over.
Here's a classic...
Thirty white horses upon a red hill;
First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.
on Jun 24, 2004
Reply #48 By: citahellion - 6/24/2004 11:26:04 AM
mig: No, you didn't get the bowling-ball/bridge puzzle. Nice try, though.
you know what citahellion, i was going to say "juggling" and i thought ... that's silly, no way, too easy ... hehe
and there are still three unanswered riddles on here:
mine ...
my first is on behalf of you
my second sealess one
my third and fourth together
and your speaker i become
.. who am i ?
little_whips' ...
Rich men want it
Poor men have it
And it you eat it you die slow.
citahellions' ...
Here's a classic...
Thirty white horses upon a red hill;
First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.
get in here and solve some stuff, kiddies ... hehe, i made this thread 'cause i suck at logic. and i actually thought it might help me !!!! ... roflmao ... d'uh
mig XXXX
on Jun 24, 2004
Little whips is EASY --- the answer is Nothing (but uncomplete because the way I've always seen it written like this
The Poor have lots of it
The Rich don't need it
More evil then the Devil
Better then God
and if you eat it you die
- there's nothing more evil then Satan, the poor have nothing, the rich don't want for anything and if you eat nothing you die.
And that my friends was pretty much the only riddle i ever knew -- except the one about St Ives (and the ones in Batman Forever)
on Jun 24, 2004
As I was going to St Ives
I met a man with 7 wives
Each wife had 7 sacks
Each sack had seven cats
Each cat had seven kits
Kits, cats, sacks & wives
how many were going to St Ives??
on Jun 24, 2004
It's a lot easier when you see it written out, trina_p...
One is going to St. Ives.
on Jun 25, 2004
my first is on behalf of you
my second sealess one
my third and fourth together
and your speaker i become
.. who am i ?
' ... Here's a classic...
Thirty white horses upon a red hill;
First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.
Anyone got the answers?
on Jun 25, 2004
alright trina ! .. get those challenges happening
... nobody has guessed mine yet, thuough
and citahellion ... you continue to amaze me
mig XX
on Jun 25, 2004
Thirty white horses upon a red hill;
First they champ, then they stamp, then they stand still.
gotcha. at last ...
!!!! hehe
mig XX
ps: only mine left to go ... anybody else got one to add ?
on Jun 25, 2004
You got it, mig!
I'm still working on your other one, but here's another classic riddle, by Lewis Carroll:
"What is most like a bee in May?"
"Let's see--I think--perhaps--" you say;
That's good! You're thinking well today!
on Jun 25, 2004
"What is most like a bee in May?" ... "Let's see--I think--perhaps--" you say; ... That's good! You're thinking well today!
i love lewis carroll, citahellion. great choice.
ok, the solution is:
"'twixt "perhaps" and "may be", little difference we see, let the question go round, the answer is found"
or, the "mig" translated version:
"what is most like a maybe ? ... a perhaps"
these are great citahellion. keep them coming (until you get bored, that is !)
mig XX
on Jun 25, 2004
Okay, try this one:
As a whole, I am both safe and secure.
Behead me, and I become a place of meeting.
Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready.
Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts.
on Jun 25, 2004
ok, citahellion, you know what, i think i'm actually getting the hang of this here. ok, here goes:
As a whole, I am both safe and secure.
Behead me, and I become a place of meeting.
Behead me again, and I am the partner of ready.
Restore me, and I become the domain of beasts.
ok, as a whole you are
, behead you, and you become a
, behead you again, and you become
, restore you and you become "a home for beasts" ...
a stable !
that one was funky hehe. where do you get all of these ?
and since nobody got my other one, should i give clues ?. ok, i will
the name is one word only in four syllables, and it is a mythological name.
somebody get my riddle ! waaaaah !
mig XX
on Jun 26, 2004
Darn it, I'm stumped. I even flipped through some mythology reference works hoping for inspiration. You might just have to tell us the answer, Mig. Or at least some more clues.
On a brighter note, I was inspired to create this riddle myself:
First two are a parrot that is named most commonly;
Last two are well-known, out for all the world to see;
Four a one-eyed wonder in a cave where No Man be.
on Jun 27, 2004
Darn it, I'm stumped. I even flipped through some mythology reference works hoping for inspiration. You might just have to tell us the answer, Mig. Or at least some more clues
YAY !!!. i have redeemed myself. ok, the answer is:
my first is
on behalf of
you ( =
my second
sealess one
( "sea" less one letter =
third and fourth
and your
i become ( =
so, it's
that was a sneaky one. hehe. ok, i'm going to go and work on yours, citahellion, and i'll leave you with this one:
i am the name of a "thing" ....
if to my back you do add one, your enemy i do become
if to my front you do add one, a nice exchange i am for some
my front a different one you cleat then i can ask you to repeat
my front do the same thing again and i'm the name of "it", my friend
what am i ???
good luck
... going to work on yours ehhe
mig XX
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