1/ fell in love ? I was 15 I dated a girl that was 3 years older than me, consequently she had me around her finger. I also realized that pain comes in 2 flavors physical and emotional.
2/ got drunk ? Heh I still remember this as if it was yesterday. I was 15 and I got drunk with a few friends and throughout that night I told everyone I loved them, told my life story to one of my buddies, told a table at a restaurant full of guys that I would beat them all up and ended up in my house 4 hours later not remembering how I got home.
3/ drove a car ? In school in a drivers ed class with a teacher. It came natural to me so I really have no story here.
4/ had sex ? The same girl I fell in love from my first answer. It lifted my ego for a month as I recall.
5/ got a job ? Good old M'CD's coming through and hiring me at 15 to work the drive through. I remember how much I slacked off and the manager even game me what she called a suck award right when she fired me a few months later. I showed her though I got a job right across the street where she could see me the very next week.