... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
... the lesser of two evils ...
Published on July 23, 2004 By mignuna In Philosophy

this week, we do "the lesser of two evils". put yourself in the five situations below. none of them have a completely desirable outcome, as all of them involve personal compromise. as always, these are extremes, and in choosing one you forfeit the other.

so, would you rather be ...

1/ extremely unattractive or exceptionally unintelligent ?

2/ totally blind or completely deaf ?

3/ unhappily in love or miserably lonely ?

4/ wildly controversial or utterly acceptable ?

5/ world famous or critically acclaimed ?

everyone is welcome, and remember to include your reasons if you can. mig XX

Comments (Page 1)
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on Jul 23, 2004
Quick question first - by choosing one, do you get the opposite of the other? eg - if I choose to be really unintelligent will I be beautifully attractive?
on Jul 23, 2004
1/ extremely unattractive or exceptionally unintelligent ?
Easy... you dont need to be good looking to talk the pants of a fine filly! The ones that you do need to be good looking for, dont deserve it anyway!!!

2/ totally blind or completely deaf ?
Totally blind. Vison is probably the only sense that isn't accentuated with the loss of another... I also couln't live without music

3/ unhappily in love or miserably lonely ?
Miserably lonely really, really sucks, So I guess being unhappily in love is a fair compromise in this situation.

4/ wildly controversial or utterly acceptable ?
Wildly controversial, every time

5/ world famous or critically acclaimed ?
World famous people dont really live through the ages... critical acclamation is something that lives on through time, fame doesn't last forever, acts do.

I look forward to hearing the responses... this was a fnatastic friday 5 Miggy!!! you haven't been around much! I guess you and Marco are having fun huh!!!

on Jul 23, 2004
Floozie - Hey, this is Marco substituting. Mig's getting ready to go out, but she will get back to you. I think that you have to place yourself as your are in the five given situations. So, you would have to take one of the evils, gain nothing for it, but not have to suffer the other evil.

on Jul 23, 2004
Suz you're such a geek...

1/ extremely unattractive or exceptionally unintelligent ?
Intelligent without a doubt. I consider myself to be pretty average on both counts at the moment, but if I was to choose which I'd rather have, definatly intelligence, my beauty would fade, and would be merely superfical. Where as intelligence will never leave me, and will take me much further than beauty would, or at least alot further in the places I wanted to go.

2/ totally blind or completely deaf ?
Deaf. The voices in my head would keep me company, but to never see the beauty of the world would suck.

3/ unhappily in love or miserably lonely ?
Miserabley lonely. Reasons, erm...to be in love has to be perfection, and anything less for me just won't do.

4/ wildly controversial or utterly acceptable ?
Controversial. Whatever I do, I will follow my heart. So I won't follow anyone else unless I totally agree with it!

5/ world famous or critically acclaimed ?

Critically acclaimed. Fame would send me crazy! Completely round the bend. I'd much rather be recognised for achieving something, than who I go drinking with, or something stupid.
on Jul 23, 2004
Thanks Marco. Guess I was hoping for more than I can get! (Gee - that doesn't sound like me at all!)

1/ extremely unattractive or exceptionally unintelligent ? Extremely unattractive. I like being intelligent and I hope that's what will get me through life over my appearance.

2/ totally blind or completely deaf ? Definitely totally blind. Music is such a huge part of my life and I enjoy gigs even when I can't see the stage due to the atmosphere.

3/ unhappily in love or miserably lonely ? Unhappily in love as I don't deal with loneliness very well.

4/ wildly controversial or utterly acceptable ? I'd like to say contraversial, but it appears that I toe the line more than I'd like to admit, so I'll go for my nature rather than how I'd like to see myself.

5/ world famous or critically acclaimed ? Critically acclaimed. Fame doesn't interest me. I'd like to do something of worth rather than popular interest.

Brilliant questions. And I didn't take a whole page to answer them this time! Have a good night out migs.

Suz xxx
on Jul 23, 2004
Intelligent without a doubt

Sorry! stupid me read the question wrong...I meant unattractive!
on Jul 23, 2004

1) I guess i'd be unattractive, since it's only a few more steps down anyway And if I was any dumber, there are certain um "higher pleasures" in life i couldn't enjoy like culture etc.

2)Totally blind. Though beethoven was deaf and he still made music...I dunno. i have crappy eyeside anyway, and I love music too much not to hear it.

3)Unhappily in love. My present situation- and no wouldn't change it. Loneliness sucks.

4)Depends on your definition of controversy..I think I'd rather just think and do what I want, some people'll accept it and some won't.

5) Critically acclaimed. I wouldn't wanna be famous unless i deserved it. Still, critics can get it wrong too.

Thanks Vanessa..Have a good day.

Dyl xx
on Jul 23, 2004
1/ extremely unattractive or exceptionally unintelligent ?
I would be exremely unattractive. If it became a huge issue, I could always get plastic surgery, but I'm not sure they have cranial implants yet...

2/ totally blind or completely deaf ?
Completely deaf. I can't even imagine how hard it would be just trying to get around in every day life without sight.

3/ unhappily in love or miserably lonely ?
OH MY GOSH!! This is a hard one, but I'd have to go with being unhappily in love. I at least need someone to crack jokes at.

4/ wildly controversial or utterly acceptable ?
I would be wildly controversial, but not really on purpose. I would hate to change my opinions JUST to fit in. I change my opinions all the time, but only because I'm presented with information I didn't have, or didn't understand before... not because I want to agree with the mainstream.

5/ world famous or critically acclaimed ?
Critically acclaimed for sure. Everyone wants to be the best at whatever they do...

6/ Keep working for the rest of my life or win the lotto tomorrow ?
What time can I pick up my check please?
on Jul 23, 2004
1/ extremely unattractive or exceptionally unintelligent ?


2/ totally blind or completely deaf ?


3/ unhappily in love or miserably lonely ?

Been both, hated both.....refuse to choose one.....

4/ wildly controversial or utterly acceptable ?

Wildly controversial would be MUCH more fun!!

5/ world famous or critically acclaimed ?

Critically acclaimed
on Jul 23, 2004
I could always get plastic surgery, but I'm not sure they have cranial implants yet...

Love it! Best answer yet!
on Jul 23, 2004
1/ I will also go with unattractive. Can't be that much worse than I already am, and I'm not about to give up my brain.
2/ deaf. While I enjoy hearing things, I am too visually oriented to give that up. And I can always sing to myself in my head.
3/ Yeah, that's a tough choice. I'll go with in love because at least then I'll be getting some.
4/ Controversial. Just for a change of pace.
5/ World famous. Why be appreciated by a few when you can be loved by many?
on Jul 23, 2004
1/ extremely unattractive or exceptionally unintelligent ?

2/ totally blind or completely deaf ?
Blind, what would the world be without music?

3/ unhappily in love or miserably lonely ?
Miserably loney, because every one knows your not really miserable! I've felt loney when I was single at times, but then I look at all of my friends and I move on and enjoy my life!

4/ wildly controversial or utterly acceptable ?
controversial, I HATE how acceptable I am sometimes! It gets boring! Okay, so I'm a little rebellious!? What's it to ya!

5/ world famous or critically acclaimed ?
critically acclaimed- I had to think about this one for a minute. I like intimacy, I think that's why I chose this.

on Jul 23, 2004

1/ extremely unattractive or exceptionally unintelligent ?

Unattractive.  I'd rather be ugly than stupid.

2/ totally blind or completely deaf ?

Deaf...at least then I could sign and watch movies.

3/ unhappily in love or miserably lonely ?
Ooooh....miserably lonely.  There's always the possibility of happily in live after that, huh?

4/ wildly controversial or utterly acceptable ?

Contraversial.  Acceptable is boring and normal.

5/ world famous or critically acclaimed ?

Critically acclaimed.  Famous...no thanks. 

on Jul 23, 2004
1/ extremely unattractive or exceptionally unintelligent ?
That's easy. I'm already extremely unattractive, so I'll stick with that.

2/ totally blind or completely deaf ?
Deaf. I value my sight far too much.

3/ unhappily in love or miserably lonely ?
unhappily in love, I guess. I'm not sure I would really be capable of either, though.

4/ wildly controversial or utterly acceptable ?
Utterly acceptable.

5/ world famous or critically acclaimed ?
Critically acclaimed. Though I don't put much stock in fame or critics.
on Jul 23, 2004
1/ extremely unattractive or exceptionally unintelligent ? Extremely unattractive. I don't really give a shit if somebody finds me attractive or not. I'd be more bothered if I couldn't understand the stuff that I am interested in right now, or strive to learn.

2/ totally blind or completely deaf ? Difficult! I'd have to say completely deaf, only because I enjoy reading and writing so much. Life without sound though.... doesn't sound like a life that I would enjoy.

3/ unhappily in love or miserably lonely ? Miserably lonely, but the question to consider is this, why am I so miserable to be on my own? I couldn't put up with a relationship that was making me unhappy, that's for sure.

4/ wildly controversial or utterly acceptable ? Utterly acceptable, if only to say that I'm guessing that being wildly controversial takes a lot of hard work at maintaining the image. If I was utterly acceptable, it must be a more natural thing.

5/ world famous or critically acclaimed ? Not to grub, but I wonder if being world famous has more going for it that the critically aclaimed. What am I world famous for? If it was for writing something that I enjoyed, but less academics appreciated it, then who gives a shit? I wouldn't want to be famous for doing something stupid, however!

Nice one, Mig! I must admit that I really enjoy the 'friday fives'.
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