this is an auto-generated thing - i just entered names, etc, so don't be offended - it says bad things about me too !. you can make your own version by using the link. i did it, and here is the result (with advance apologies to sam for well, you'll see what happens) ... LOSER TURD MAFIA “BIG BROTHER” Day 1 - jesse admits straight away that he doesn't like the look of sam. He says she looks like a lesbian. As it turns out, pam is in fact the only lesbian in the house, although jerry late...
I don't watch a lot of television, but when I do watch some, it is with remote control clenched firmly in my little paw, poised to hit the 'mute' button every time the program breaks for a commercial. I thought that nothing could be worse than 'big city' advertising with it's vacant, soulless, impossibly cool and slogan-free slant. I was so wrong. The local channels in rural areas are, without question, filled with the most inane and mind-numbingly stupid 'advertising' (I use the term...
we have the, er, honour of living some 20 minutes away from russell crowe. this was something i actually did not know when we moved here. it did not, however, take me long to find out. just weeks into our residence here, my (visiting) mother ran shrieking at me, local paper held aloft like a trophy , gesturing wildly towards the opened 'entertainment' section and making loud noises about "seeing russell's band". needless to say, this excursion did not happen. it's not that i have anythi...