... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
mignuna's Articles In Philosophy
January 9, 2004 by mignuna
whose fault was that ? the concept of karma is an interesting one. this abused word has come to stand for the misguided beliefs of extremist or “non-registered” religions or groups. the arrogance of mankind to dismiss the word karma as something that only happens to people who subscribe to it’s theory. like people who say they won’t go to hell because it doesn’t exist, some souls believe that karma is inapplicable to them. news flash: karma = result of action. you can hate the word, but you’ve g...
January 16, 2004 by mignuna
this guy was motivated by his religion, but there is a lesson in there for all of us, whatever we believe ...the single word "eternity" appeared amidst the fireworks at the end of the opening ceremony of the sydney olympics. the story behind that is the amazing one of mr arthur stace, 1884-1967. born in sydney, arthur stace grew up in poverty, looking after himself and stealing as needed. at twelve he was made a ward of the state. at fifteen he was in jail. in 1930, he went to a church for th...
April 22, 2004 by mignuna
(part of this quote is stolen from somewhere. can't recall where ... just thought i should say so) ... he who whispers down a well about the things he has to tell, will not endure one-tenth the doubts of he who climbs a pole and shouts ! (in appreciation of the people who are brave enough to "put it out there", regardless of what "it" is).
May 4, 2004 by mignuna
i am 35 this year. it is officially time to make “the decision” ... will i gracefully surrender the appearance of youth ? ... or will i become a woman who gets a lot more than the kitchen remodeled ?. there is just no denying it anymore ... things are happening here !. like some tiny continent, my body is shifting and changing. it’s comforting and strange all at once. there is an eerily familiar cast to my “womans' " face ... like a living history, i make my paternal grandfather s...
May 15, 2004 by mignuna
you already have the condition that will someday kill you. i know that because you are alive . and if you weren’t ...you couldn’t die , right ?. a lot of people, especially as they begin to age, ponder upon what it is they will die “of”. but the answer is quite simple: you will die of being alive. sound a bit basic and simplistic ? ... ... GOOD ... because IT IS. death and dying are things we fear like a sniper, fight like an enemy and face like a coward. they are...
May 19, 2004 by mignuna
there are at least three people in your head right now . 1. the person you think you are 2. the person you actually are 3. the person others perceive you to be if you’re in any way self-aware, make that four, by adding ... 4. the person you’d like to become most of us, if we are interested in “personal growth”, place major emphasis on person no 4. most of us look at person no 1 and say: “ok, we’re going somewhere. developing. changing. doing stuff to ma...
May 21, 2004 by mignuna
... what is ... ? ... the first thing you would make illegal if you had the power to ? ... the first thing you think of when you hear the following words: government, science, doctor, lamb, paris ? ... the first thing you do every morning ? ... the first thing you can remember from your childhood ? ... the first thing you would “take back” from your past if given the chance ? this has been another presentation from "stickybeakoldlady productions". mig ...
May 30, 2004 by mignuna
imagine for a moment a maximum standard of living. (warning: idealism ahead. please don't call me a silly woman). a concept of private wealth in excess of a certain amount being removed from the individual/s in possession of it and redistributed “as needed”. how would one go about placing people who are very different into the same material position ?. by treating them unequally , of course. that is the western way. ... assuming that one could ever overcome the barriers t...
May 28, 2004 by mignuna
what is the worst ... 1/ thing you ever did and then blamed on "lust" ? 2/ lie you ever told ? 3/ mistake you ever made? 4/ accident you ever had ? 5/ feeling you ever experienced ? ... it's 'fess up time kiddies
October 8, 2004 by mignuna
  This week, you can take 5 'things' from anywhere in the world and make them your own. T hey must be actual 'things' and not money or spirituality-related 'issues'. (Although you can ask for thing/s you want to on-sell). You can have a building. You can have a person. You can even have a country if you like. Whatever you want that laws, or money, or logistics have so far made impossible, it's now yours. S o, what in the world will you choose...
October 1, 2004 by mignuna
  This week, we're going back to school. *Sigh*. Like it or hate it (or, in my case, utterly despise it), we’ve all been there. No matter who we ultimately turned out to be, our young years were all the same: full of crushes, awkward moments, and events both momentous and minor that began to shape the adult we would become. So, were your schooldays filled with cheerful, childish, laughter, uneventful education and sugar-sweet dreams of the future ? ... or were you a heinou...
September 24, 2004 by mignuna
It's confession time, people . This week we're going to dig deep into the dark, dingy litle recesses of your brain, to uncover the scary, sordid, salicious little secrets that you keep tucked away. Well, something like that, anyway. If you're as old and boring as I am, I suggest you make something up. (Actually, my answer to all five this week is yes !.) Have you ever ... 1/ Been arrested ? 2/ Punched anyone ? 3/ 'Lost it' in public...
September 10, 2004 by mignuna
I am horrified to admit, gentle reader, that, last night, while I was supposed to be posting the "Friday Five", I was actually at the Plantation Hotel watching my friends' band and behaving in a rather undignified manner !. I should explain that I avoid alcohol for two main reasons. One being that it tends to, err, intensify my personality. (ie: I begin to say even more things that I should only think ), and the other being that drinking just does not seem to agree with my body. Alcoh...
September 3, 2004 by mignuna
Drugs, both for use, and as a topic of discussion, seem to be everywhere at the moment. There is such controversy over so many different drugs, and in particular the consequences these drugs have on the worlds' young people. It's easy to say that "drugs should be banned". Yet the term "drug", like it or not, is a definition that encompasses many substances. So who draws the line, and where ?. Well for one week only, you do ! ... you, on drugs ... 1/ What do you consid...
August 27, 2004 by mignuna
This week, we are about to be stranded on a deserted tropical island !. Oh no !. ( Thanks Sabrina for another great idea ). For the purposes of the exercise, (ie: to get at what we each really 'can't live without'), we will assume that the island has ' the basics' by way of plant life (including fruit trees), animal life, and adequate water. What 5 items/things would you take with you, and why ?.