... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
mignuna's Articles In Humor
May 11, 2004 by mignuna
..."as we followed david through the two coach carriages, 124 pairs of sunken eyes sullenly followed our every move. these were people who had no dining carriage, no lounge bar, no cosy berths to crawl into at night. they had been riding upright for two days since leaving sydney, and still had twenty-four hours to go to perth. i am almost certain that if we had not had the train manager as an escort they would have eaten us." (american author bill bryson, from his hilarious book “down unde...
May 11, 2004 by mignuna
..."as we followed david through the two coach carriages, 124 pairs of sunken eyes sullenly followed our every move. these were people who had no dining carriage, no lounge bar, no cosy berths to crawl into at night. they had been riding upright for two days since leaving sydney, and still had twenty-four hours to go to perth. i am almost certain that if we had not had the train manager as an escort they would have eaten us." (american author bill bryson, from his hilarious book “down unde...
May 13, 2004 by mignuna
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
May 13, 2004 by mignuna
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
June 15, 2004 by mignuna
i despise greeting card verses. they assume that i am hoping to express my undying, lifelong respect and utter admiration for the recipient, when all i am actually doing is mailing something because it is expected ... despite the fact that everybody knows how meaningless i think that is. i would like to say something to the greeting card verse "authors" of the world: i hope your cerebral cortexes collectively sever themselves. then i can take over. welcome to the cranky old woman's g...
June 15, 2004 by mignuna
i despise greeting card verses. they assume that i am hoping to express my undying, lifelong respect and utter admiration for the recipient, when all i am actually doing is mailing something because it is expected ... despite the fact that everybody knows how meaningless i think that is. i would like to say something to the greeting card verse "authors" of the world: i hope your cerebral cortexes collectively sever themselves. then i can take over. welcome to the cranky old woman's g...
June 11, 2004 by mignuna
whilst stuck waiting in an understaffed public office recently, i read a "spiritual" magazine that suggested performing "random acts of kindness" as a way to help bring about "inner peace" i have been somewhat short on inner peace lately, so i figured i would give it a go acting on the advice of said magazine, the next time that i found myself driving on a "tollway", i paid the toll for the car behind, as well as my own, as i passed through the tollgate. the man collecting the tolls s...
June 11, 2004 by mignuna
whilst stuck waiting in an understaffed public office recently, i read a "spiritual" magazine that suggested performing "random acts of kindness" as a way to help bring about "inner peace" i have been somewhat short on inner peace lately, so i figured i would give it a go acting on the advice of said magazine, the next time that i found myself driving on a "tollway", i paid the toll for the car behind, as well as my own, as i passed through the tollgate. the man collecting the tolls s...
May 24, 2004 by mignuna
i am fascinated by a recent article i read entitled *"i, the penis" it's clever. it's funny. and it's largely true. but all i really feel the need to say at this point is this: penis, penis, penis, penis, penis . what is that you are all so PROUD of ? ... half the world has them, you know. some men are obsessed with their bat and two balls. it's the only subject that forever both astounds and pleases them. the fact that every man alive has one only mildly decreases this pri...
May 24, 2004 by mignuna
i am fascinated by a recent article i read entitled *"i, the penis" it's clever. it's funny. and it's largely true. but all i really feel the need to say at this point is this: penis, penis, penis, penis, penis . what is that you are all so PROUD of ? ... half the world has them, you know. some men are obsessed with their bat and two balls. it's the only subject that forever both astounds and pleases them. the fact that every man alive has one only mildly decreases this pri...
May 21, 2004 by mignuna
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
May 21, 2004 by mignuna
This article contains Adult Content. Please click on the article Title or Read More to view its contents.
August 12, 2004 by mignuna
a london-based friend of mine told me recently that, since he had commenced working as a contract-based 'it consultant' in 1997, the top ten keyword searches on the internet have barely changed. despite the internet advancing in leaps and bounds, we are all still just mucking around in here !. i do have an inherent mistrust of lists. i admit that. but with the source of this information being the highly respected british accounting firm for whom my friend is currently working, i am horri...
August 12, 2004 by mignuna
a london-based friend of mine told me recently that, since he had commenced working as a contract-based 'it consultant' in 1997, the top ten keyword searches on the internet have barely changed. despite the internet advancing in leaps and bounds, we are all still just mucking around in here !. i do have an inherent mistrust of lists. i admit that. but with the source of this information being the highly respected british accounting firm for whom my friend is currently working, i am horri...
August 11, 2004 by mignuna
I was born in 1969. The cool decade, apparently. I made may have technically made the sixties by 3 months, but they never managed to provide me with any sense of inherent 'coolness'. The sixties to me were just the time my parents ran around looking pretty much like young people do today. My nana explained to me once that 'patchwork' evolved as a way of making use of clothing that had worn out in certain places. These days, these type of 'useful' trends are everywhere. My time has come ! ...