... issues and tissues with a touch of the spicy from the spirit hag ...
mignuna's Articles In Entertainment
August 29, 2004 by mignuna
Sun-Times columnist Richard Roper really got stuck into the mainstream media (no pun intended) recently for their inane obsession with the reproductive habits of ‘the stars’. Bemoaning the dreaded airport newsstand trek through rubbish headlines whilst hunting for some suitable in-flight reading, Roper says he “couldn't possibly care less about the Celebrity Pregnancy, the Possible Celebrity Pregnancy, or of course, the jackpot: the Celebrity Baby”. And I for one happen to agree with him...
November 2, 2004 by mignuna
  This will make no sense to anyone who isn't Australian, as this is a newish band that you've probably never heard of. So sorry. You can run off now if you want to !. (I won't mind. Just this once, though !). Thirsty Merc are funky, and several Australian JoeUsers (myself included) have a friend (Sean, back right in pic) who has joined the band. Suz (Floozie) even went to school with him !. Okay, so, like I said, this may only have perve value for most of you, but for Suz a...
August 18, 2004 by mignuna
The 'Uncanny Valley' is not a physical place, but a confusing emotional state entered by people who see on-screen overly-humanlike computer generated or animated characters in life-threatening situations. When creatures possessed of ‘human features’, (such as the taking fish ‘Nemo’ or the computer-generated figures in 'The Polar Express') become disturbingly real, audiences over-identify with their plight during action scenes. The term was coined by Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori, ...
July 25, 2004 by mignuna
there are two homers' in my life. one is a fat, bald, yellow guy with a big mouth and an "average" family, and the other is the world-renowned author of such epic works as the iliad and the odyssey . they appeal to me equally, although for markedly different reasons. despite the fact that watching 'the simpsons' is considered prostitution of your literacy in some circles, i am and out and proud fan of the modern-day hero that is homer j. simpson. and in answer to the intellectual sl...
June 3, 2004 by mignuna
my husband has the day off work, and it is raining anybody else who has been locked in a broom closet with a juvenile hyena will be able to appreciate my distress the couch is strewn with a sony playstation, three newspapers, the tv guide, chocolate wrappers, paddle-pop sticks and the remote controls to every device in the house and every half-hour, he says the same thing: “i’m bored” in desperation, he has been watching the only tv program he could find that doesn’t invo...
May 17, 2004 by mignuna
Some years ago, someone remarked to me that, if aliens were to watch our television programming, they would inevitably come to several conclusions about the residents of our planet. That we are mostly tall and thin . That most of our women are blondes. That our females are so smart that they’re independently rich enough to wear fifty dollar silk panties and feel “okay about it” ... ... yet so silly to allow themselves to be parted with said panties at the approach of any male in...
December 22, 2006 by mignuna
  IKEA product or harry potter character? 1/              agrippa 2/              bletchley 3/              ordning 4/              cliodna 5/              bekvam 6/...
September 10, 2004 by mignuna
The name John Holmes is synonymous with pornography. From the mid-Sixties until the early Eighties, the legendary adult movie actor starred in more than 2,000 pornographic films, gaining worldwide 'fame' for being both extremely well-endowed and unusually sexually permissive. Holmes' lifestyle reflected the apparently glamorous world of the porn industry and it's associated trappings, leading to a heavy cocaine dependency resulting in eventual erectile dysfunction and his subsequent 'ca...