Many, many moons ago, in my single-girl days, there occurred an incident that to this day is probably still the single funniest thing that I can recall from my ‘youth’. Several friends and I were at a dodgy-yet-packed-to-the-brim bar in Sydney, when my girlfriend Tania caught the attention of a rather handsome boy. In due course, said boy casually sauntered over and began a conversation with her. As soon as the boy had gone to visit the bath...
Hello, Mr. Blog Spammer, it's me, Miggy. Remember me ? ... I'm the owner of the blog that you spammed last night. Congratulations. Everybody that read my blog today went away with the shits thanks to your Viagra ads. Mr. Blog Spammer, I do not want any Viagra. Neither do I want a cheap holiday in Outer Mongolia. I also do not want any sex toys, exotic seeds, work-from-home jobs or "once-in-a-lifetime opportunities". All that I want, actually, is for you to most f...
these very words you now do read, were by lack of my clothing freed (so, you may think this very rude, but i am blogging in the nude !) i rise and quickly shut the blind, (no lucid thought will grace my mind) made braver by the coming night, i ditch my gear in failing light ! i perch gingerly on my chair, and wait for inspiration there (the phone rings and my tea is spilt in clumsy and pre-emptive guilt !) i force my brain back to my task, which really is a major ask ('caus...
In the interests of freeing our creative spirits of their material bindings or something really heavy and funky and hopefully non-boring like that, I propose that we on JU have the first ever official "Blog In The Nude Day" (aka "BITND" for short). I further propose that we celebrate our 'bare blogging' on this day by using our nakedness as a metaphor for our spiritual lightness, and pour forth into our respective blogs the light and love this fills us all with !. Yeah !....
On my recent birthday, I had nothing on. Three days after my birthday was our wedding anniversary, and I had nothing on then, either. No, I wasn't naked. I just really like having nothing on. I enjoy the freedom it allows me. I would have nothing on every day if I could. People hate this. On your birthday, and other such occasions, it is pre-requisite of having humans as family members that you must have a fuss. If you fail to create said fuss yourself, one will doubtless be created on ...
hi, this is vanessa's friend, Jaz. I am 9 years old i am from coffs harbour. i go to tyalla primary school. i now vanessa because my dad plays in a band with mick and vanessa is good friends with mick. i am at vanessa,s house now. my birthday is on the 13th of october. that makes me a libra. What is your star sign?and whats your name?
My husband, I must admit, doesn't actually read my blog much. It's not that he's not allowed to, I think it's more that he lives with me everyday and won't find much there he doesn't already know. I do show him the occasional article of mine, generally one of the 'art' forum ones, if I'd like him to read it, and we tend to leave it at that. So I've often wondered ... do other JU bloggers have partners that read their blog, perhaps on a regular basis, or even have partners that are fe...
For those of you who are wondering who is this mystery 'imajinit', he is none other than the fabulous, amazing, darling, dishy, debonair and all round Mr Wonderful, Michael, aka mj, aka the man who shares my brain. Imajinit and I have a theory that we somehow inhabit the same brainspace or some other equally vague blah to explain the fact that we agree on almost everything. Well, we did until he started stalking me in my blog ! Woo Hoo ! ... mj, you had me going for a while. I thought...
Who wants to be a millionaire ?. You do ?. Well, sorry, I'm afraid I can't help you with that, but I can offer you my pretend version to test how well you speak 'Australian' For $100.00 1/ If I tell you that I would like to ‘ snog ’ you, what am I actually saying I’d like to do ? a) Punch you Kiss you c) Hug you d) Ignore you For $200 2/ When I say I am ‘ chuffed ’, do I mean I am ... a) Tired Pleased c) Overfull d) Sick For $400
It is true that our 'sea change' has brought me many challenges. I have coped with these with varying degrees of success, but there is one area in which I fail miserably, and that is in tolerating the vermin known as the visit(wh)or(e). Moving to a coastal location is wonderful in that your home becomes a holiday destination for those that you love and miss. Yet, moving to a coastal location is revolting in that your home becomes a holiday destination for everyone else you know or have ...
I am no speed typist, but I do okay for myself with the glaring exception of my striking the "y" key in place of the "t" whenever I try to type too quickly or am overtired. For the sake of demonstrating just how challenging this can make deciphering the resultant 'writing', I will now switch to the problematic "y" instead of "t" mode for the remainder of this (thankfully short) blog. Iy sneaks up on me. I yhink I'm fine, yhen I syary yo gey yired and iy happens. My fingers syary a ...
It's 9.53am. 9.53am Wednesday morning, September 1st. It really is. In Australia, anyway. How can this be possible when it’s still Tuesday for most of you ?????. Too much for my little head. Seriously. 9.53am !!!. It’s raining outside. I am watching an old Hitchcock film and eating my ‘Weet-Bix’ in my pajamas !. Hah. Does anybody really know what time it is ????? PS: I fixed it, Trina ! hehe
In a recent blog of ( the fabulous ) Sabrina, ( Link ), a comment was made by BlueDev ( Link ) that contained an extremely funky little smiley with a flamethrower. BlueDev was kind enough to 'share the wealth' by providing a link and instructions on how to use the 'alternative' smiley collection. This is how I feel about the alternative smiley collection: Yes, I like it that much. I would even go so far as to say that, when I found the alternative smiley collection, I felt like d...
i had to go outside today. i know. awful !. i didn't want to, but i had to drop my car off to the mechanic. i forgot until a half hour before and had to haul ass in my pajama top and trackie bottoms. my car didn't want to go either. (iris the vw kombi has instincts like a faithful old dog. she just knows ). matters were complicated by the bone-dry fuel tank courtesy of the friend who dropped it back the night before. ah, well. it was only a right turn into oncoming traffic on the pac...
if, like, totally forced, i have been known to take our guests to see tourist attractions . (i hate this, but nobody cares) ... which is how i recently found myself, (struck almost numb with boredom en route to see some THING), fixated upon the hands of the man driving the car. i should add that i know this man as well as i want to ... particularly considering his interest in tourist attractions and his ever-intrusive camera ... ... but still ... oh baby, could he drive...