i know what boys like. i do. because they tell me. i am forever hearing about this mythical "perfect woman" ... this elusive "miss right" ... (ahem. make that ms.) ... that my male friends claim to be unable to find. so i quizzed them until i came up with a list . and to my amazement, not only did they agree on almost everything, this "perfect woman" seems to involve a lot more of words like "understanding" and "secure", and a lot less of "perfect ass" than i expected. although some o...
my friend, i am not what i seem. seeming is but a garment i wear; a care-woven garment that protects me from thy questionings and thee from my negligence. the "i" in me, my friend, dwells in the house of silence, and therein it shall remain for ever more, unperceived, unapproachable. i would not have thee believe in what i say nor trust in what i do, for my words are naught but thy own thoughts in sound and my deeds thy own hopes in action. when thou sayest, "the wind blow...
my stepmother is a horrible woman. i know i shouldn’t say that, but i don’t care. it happens to be true. if this woman dropped dead tomorrow, my only regret would be that she got an easy “out” from the mess she’s made of my family. for the first time in my life, i actually hate someone, and it’s a terrible feeling. hate is my “court of last resort”. i tried every single thing i could to maintain a relationship with this woman, but i am officially out of options. the years of her inconsis...
my mother is so funky that people wonder what “happened” to me. or didn’t happen. everyone that meets her says exactly the same thing: “your mum is so cool !”. (they do not add “how on earth did you turn out so rampantly anti-social with this ray of sunshine for a parent ?” ... but they all think it.) my husband and my mother get along so well that it almost pisses me off. they actually like each other. they’re friends . she spoils him rotten because she always wanted a son ...
as i was walking down my driveway this morning to get the mail, i passed my husbands' car, and it said "hello". i immediately realised that my husband was partially underneath the car, and partially hidden by our rampant "garden". (he has this idea that he can fix the car. sometimes, he even can ). anyway, i went along with his little ruse, and he made an absolute ASS out of me, as only he can. watch and learn ... "car": "... i said hello" me: *sighing* ... "okay ....
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there is no longer such thing as a perfect world. the road to peace now unfortunately runs through a bloody and barren wilderness named humanity. i know, i'm sermonising. so sorry. please, may i leave the world now ? ... ( i have had more than enough) may I be excused from the eternal optimists who deduce my crime to be conscious thought ? because, if i stopped thinking so much, i’d be fine, right ? i shouldn’t worry about things i can’t do anything about, should i ? ... 'cause...
strong voices draw criticism regardless of the subject matter. that is the nature of the human animal. we like proof . we like to know stuff. we argue points and exchange views. in this way, we hope to learn. through our challenging of thoughts and ideas, change is born. healthy change. progress is made. new worlds unfold. but when does "challenging" become "attacking" ?. does an "opponent" nullify his/her own argument by presenting it in a less than polite way ?. even though ...
i see dead people it’s true. every day i talk to them. they serve me in stores. they deliver my mail. they read the news on tv. they’re everywhere . all of them. all dead. every last one. most of my friends have been dead for years . the only thing that seems to keep them from collapsing into a pile of dust is that they apparently don’t know yet. scary, that. before you write me off as some paranoid-delusional sceptic (you’d be half right), allow me to blow the dust off an issue t...
jesse likes me. other people do too. but him i like back. it made me wonder why. now i know ... * sing ...he likes me for me ... not because i'm phat like cindy crawford *. . ahem. but i digress. jesse made me realise something. (it was an accident hehe. but he still did it, so it counts). usually, if somebody new that i meet likes me, it's because they think i’m “different” or “interesting” or something ... ... i, however, would prefer those that i am close to actually being ab...
the laughing assassin is the person who says whatever they like to anyone, then blames their victims’ lack of humour or “oversensitivity” for the offence they cause. the laughing assassins’ take on life is this: "i will continue to pour forth my “jokes” with no apparent thought to the fact that nobody ever laughs. if i upset you, that’s your problem. remember ... i was just joking. i really can’t be blamed for it. your lack of good humour or intelligence means you “take me the wrong way” ...
i try not to be self-involved i succeed, albeit only for the most part being self-involved makes nobody happy but yourself (which is fine with you if you just said “ so what ” ?) self-involvement appears to be a very rewarding pastime one is filled with a sense of self-worth and personal pride without seemingly having to do very much at all ! although it bears mentioning that nobody really likes you (but even this does not matter if you are too self-involved ...
know anyone who has committed suicide ?. me too. i was younger at the time. a lot younger. and the young man who died was not a family member nor my closest friend. but we spent a lot of nights and weekends and holidays as part of a close-knit circle and when he died it changed everything. death is an eventual fact for all of us. but at 19 it seems so remote as to be almost impossible. the decision of a young person to end a life that barely had time to get started is one that may people find...
being young is horrible. it's like: here, have a firm, healthy body, an enquiring mind and limitless potential; but temper it with the fact that nobody thinks your emotions are real, you have no authority whatsoever, and you have no voice of any consequence to the "grown-ups". you can have that. i hated being young and i've never for a second wanted to turn back the clock. the paradox of youth was the worst i ever encountered, and i'm glad it's over. even from the vast distance of 34, i ha...
sensitive new age guys have their place, bless ‘em. i’m sure there are LOTS of women who adore their male partners’ capacity to “understand” their “feelings” and suffer “sympathetic” labour-pains ... ... i just don’t happen to be one of them. it’s all good to be "into" what makes your woman tick, but frankly, men who know more about my menstrual cycle than i do scare me. i like to think of it this way: need-to-know basis. i laugh out loud when my hubby misinterprets my moods. he’s ...